Episode 46: Angelic Armor

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Rosalba opened the plain wooden door in front of them and shouted, "We need the best armor you have!"

A tall and bulky looking black-haired man emerged from the back of the store. "We have a lot of good armor. Ah, Kohri!"

Rosalba ran over to talk to the man.

"You know him?" Tetsuya questioned, glancing at Kohri.

Kohri nodded. "He's the one I was talking about, my master. This man is the one who taught me most of what I know. So give the place a look. I'm going to go to the back and grab something which might suit Nicolas and Takuya.."

"Alright," Tetsuya said, waving goodbye. His golden eyes scanned the place. Spread throughout the small store were several kinds of armor. Some of them were made out of leather, while others were made out of metal. The metal armors weren't all heavy looking. Some of them were chain metal with cloth covering the steel plating. Others were full body armor with the metal helmet included. Then there was mirror-armor, which consisted of a mirror-like shield-looking portion in the chest area. The rest of the armor was made up of leather laces.

"I got it!" Rosalba shouted. In her arms, she held silver armor, which resembled the mirror armor on display. Except, it appeared to be made up of mostly wood and leather rather than metal.

"I prefer something a little more lightweight," Tetsuya said, glancing over at the other armor in the display.

"Come on, this armor is the best around! It'll protect you against the monsters of the Abyss!" she said, walking over to him and pressing it against his chest.

His ears perked up upon hearing 'Abyss' after so long. "What is Abyss? We spent a lot of time talking the other day, but nothing was actually mentioned about our mission. Yuko told me more about the enemy at school than anyone at the palace did."

"That's because Father left it to us to inform you." She lowered her face so he couldn't see her expression. Though the armor reflected a face filled with concern. "Like I told you prior, the Abyss is another realm just like the magic and dragon realms. Unlike those two, this realm is truly alien to us. Very few people have ever visited the realm, and even fewer have returned alive."

She raised her head and pushed the armor against his chest.

"The realm has swallowed even the greatest of warriors. There is no way to return back from the Abyss without either a portal or something that can teleport you back to one of the other realms," she continued. "Each weapon has something within them that resonates with the sphere of light at the temple covering the vortex to the abyss. I'll take you to see it later. It's really amazing to look at."

"You've been to the Abyss before?"

Rosalba shivered. "No, but I have seen a vortex to it. Kuroshi showed us one during our meeting. It's... quite a terrifying sight."

"How so?"

She lowered her eyes. "Simply by looking at it-- one gets the feeling that they're being swallowed up by a tar-pit. One which looks like it could sprout arms that can reach out at any moment and grab you. So, it'll be best to be prepared."

Is that why she and Serrano seemed shaken the other day? Was it that frightening of a sight?

"Thinking of buying that armor?" the blacksmith said, with a broad grin on his face. "It'll be a hundred gold coins."

"So expensive?" Tetsuya said, stepping away from the armor. "I don't have that kind of money."

"Yes, we do," Rosalba said. "They gave you a bag of coins when you left the castle. Wait, don't tell me you forgot about it?"

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