Episode 28: Guardian Angel

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[Days later- Makkuroyama Residence]

Rene walked into her second son's room. The room was dark even though Dan had developed a fear for it.

She noticed something moving back and forth within the blankets.

"Dan, a-are you feeling alright?" she asked, flipping the lights on.

The red-eyed boy poked his head of his blanket. "M-mommy? Y-you're here. P-please don't leave me. I don't want to be a-alone," he said, removing his hands from his head.

His whites had turned as red as his pupils. There was a certain blankness to his stare as if he wasn't really there.

Rene ran over and embraced her son. "Don't worry, Dan, Mama's here!"

Dan hugged his mother tightly.

She gasped. Her son's nails were almost entirely eaten. Dan had anxiety before the kidnapping, but not to this degree.

She patted the back of her son's head. "Everything is fine, my little one. Let's go and eat."

"I-I am not hu-hungry," he said, a tear dripping from his right eye.

Rene grimaced. A sense of ineptitude washed over her. She wanted to help her son but had no idea what he was thinking under those blank eyes. All she knew was that a deep sorrow laid underneath, occasionally bubbling up to the surface.

"How are you holding up, little brother?" a voice called out. Standing by the door was Kiara.

"S-sis..." he said, keeping his head down.

Kiara averted her gaze. If only she had gone with them hunting... Then Dan might not have gotten taken away.

"Dear, don't blame yourself," Rene whispered.

Her oldest daughter walked over and hugged her brother. "It is my fault. I failed him. I should've accompanied them."

"Sis..." Dan repeated, keeping his eyes down.

Kiara patted his head. "Yeah?"

"D-don't leave me... I-I don't want to be alone."

"You aren't," she said.

"Dan, look what I got!" a voice boomed. The girls glanced up to see Hideo holding a deer head. "Caught it by myself!"

Dan kept his eyes down.

"D-Dan?" Hideo asked.

Rene's face contorted. "H-He still hasn't said more than a few words. Has your father returned yet?"

Before leaving, Kuroshi had asked Hideaki to serve as ambassador to Kasai no Ki. According to him, they would need the help of their rival in the war to come.

"No, not yet, but once he does..." He stared at his brother and stopped. "I'll be leaving."

Dan glanced up and reached a hand out for him. "B-brother... P-please don't go!"

Hideo glanced at his silver and gold necklace. He wished he didn't, but he had to go. Eiji made him promise to become one of the five knights of prophecy in return for Donato.

The destiny of the knights was his the moment he took Donato into his hands.

"S-sorry... Dan." He returned around and ran out with his deer head.

"B-brother!" Dan cried weakly. "D-don't go..."

"He's not leaving, yet..." Rene said, holding him tight.


Rene left Dan with Kiara and went to check on her other children. She'd hoped Hideo had gone off to play with them. They were playing in the backyard, but a sense of dread still hung over her.

[Completed] Legend of the Five Knights I: Rise of a Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now