Episode 12: The Frozen Walls

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"Hyo, open up!" Miyuki yelled, banging on the black thornwood door. "Please...open." She slid her hands down the door as she got no response. "At least answer me..."

"Leave me alone! I already told you that I do not wish to see anybody!" Hyosetsu yelled as he put down the book he had been reading.

The swordsman ran his long-fingered hands through his hair and let out a sigh.

My angel tools' powers, they are gone. All those years of cultivating their strength, wasted! This is all Kohri's fault! He gave me that cursed blade! Bet he did it to ruin me! His nice guy routine is a farce after all!

"Hyo!" a voice called out from the balcony.

He glared at the new arrival even though a white veil obscured the redhead. "Let me be! You have done enough damage for one day!"

Kohri frowned. "I have no idea what happened, but I promise to amend it."

Hyosestu scoffed at his younger brother's words. "You speak such words, yet still refuse to hand over the throne. Well, dear little brother, you managed to take down your one and only political rival."

The younger brother shook his head in disbelief. "Come on! Enough about the crown already! And besides, you aren't my only rival. Also, Hyo, we're brothers. We shouldn't be arguing like this."

"We would not be if it were not for that stupid sword you gave me!" he yelled.

"You still got a tool that works!" Kohri said, forcing a smile. "Baldo! You can regain what you've lost with that sword."

Hyosetsu let out a scoff. "Easy for you to say." He glanced down at his left arm. Baldo had transformed into a gold and silver bracelet and attached itself to his left wrist. Whenever he would try to take it off, it would shrink. Only when he stopped did it return to normal.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Kohri said, the hope in his voice gone. "I'm sorry, Hyo. I thought that this would help you get stronger."

Hyosetsu heard the gentle creak of feet pressing against snow. He stood up from his chair and slid the nearby black curtains and peered out. Kohri walked away, his head down. He glanced down and noticed that his brother had made a ladder out of ice. If it had been a non-ice mana user, they would've slipped.

"Hmph." Hyosetsu glanced back at his new angel tool. This is all I got left. Perhaps I should make use of it. At least it'll be something.

He turned toward the door. At some point, his mother had stopped knocking, perhaps when she heard Kohri's voice.

Hyosetsu's icy blue eyes peered at the bracelet as it radiated a brilliant cyan aura. The sheathed sword returned. He reached his hand out and slowly wrapped his fingers around the hilt. This time, it didn't burn him.

His eyes lingered on the strange markings on the blade as he unsheathed part of it. Why did it burn me earlier?

He sighed. He would simply have to ask the one who commissioned their creation, King Osamu. Or at least have the king direct him to the blacksmith who made them.

He sheathed the sword entirely and strapped the scabbard on the left side of his navy blue. His blue eyes shifted toward the door. Now was a good time to try it out.

Chatter greeted him as he descended the stairs. A couple of girls standing to the side glanced over at him and let out shrieks as if a star had just arrived.

Along with the sound of the masses were soft sounds. Situated on each side of the room below were harpists.

"So, you're Hyosetsu," a voice called out from behind. He spun on his heels and saw a brunette girl. She was dressed in a violet gown with a white fur cape hugging her shoulders.

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