Episode 18: The Eastern Frontier

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[The next morning- 5 miles from the Kuroriku-Kasai no Ki border]

"So bored!" a young man yelled as he raised a black device into the air. "I already beat everything! The online store has nothing interesting to download, either! Guess I'll simply have to wait for my special edition of Battle Septima to arrive."

"Hideo, honey, shouldn't you be studying?" asked a reddish-blond woman as she overlooked her son from the sofa across from the one he was sitting in. She watched as the black-haired boy turned his emerald eyes toward her. "Finals are coming up in a few days."

Hideo sighed and waved his hand dismissively. "I will pass just fine. I am a genius, you know?"

The mother sighed as she stretched to grab a cookie from the silver platter on the glass table between them. "I sure hope so, you failing can still jeopardize your entrance to Elitia University."

Hideo lowered his feet from the right arm of the sofa and sat up straight. "You worry too much. If I managed to pass Elitia's entrance exam without studying, then I can surely pass these high school finals with ease." He put the device on the table and stretched his arms toward the white ceiling. "I'm going to go out."

"Good, it'll be a nice change of pace. Staying all day indoors is bad for the youth."

The teen rolled his eyes. "You know, you can start by showing an example. You have been here all evening reading that romance novel. Not even sure what's so interesting about them."

The mother scoffed. "You simply say that because you know nothing about the finesse of love."

Hideo averted his gaze. "Why would I even want to? So I can grow up to be a lovey-dovey adult like you and Dad? No, thanks."

"Hideo!" yelled a little girl, running up to him and hugging his leg. "Play with us!"

The youth turned around. Two of Hideo's other eight siblings descended the white marble stairs after her. "I was going hunting. Play with Mother instead. She isn't busy."

"Excuse me?" their mother barked. She sighed and stared at her youngest child. Her lips curled up, forming a wide arc. "I guess I can play with you! Come here, little one!"

The little girl giggled and tackled her mother. "Yippee!"

"Uh, can I, can I go h-hunting with you? Big brother?" asked one of the two who had followed the little girl. He lowered his head, causing black locks to cover his crimson eyes.

Hideo stared at the boy in shock. He had never heard his brother ask if he could accompany him. In fact, it was his brother who outdid him when it came to staying indoors.

The boy glanced at his little sister. "I-I rather not get caught up playing tea party with Dossie and Mom again."

"Same here," said the girl who was with him. She was dressed in shorts and a baggy shirt, giving her the appearance of a skater. "I need an excuse to get out of here and skate with the guys."

Hideo smiled at his sister. "Sure, you two. Bye, mom, we're off to go hunt!"

"Hey, be careful!" their mother yelled. "Stay in the same area!"

"Don't worry, we will," Hideo said, making his way to the crimson wooden door. "Have fun with Dossie!"

His tomboy sister opened the door and ran out with their younger brother. "I'm free!" she yelled into the heavens.

"Hey, don't go without me!" Hideo yelled, chasing after his siblings.

Their mother sighed. "Those kids. Come on, Dossie. Let's find us some pretty dresses for our tea party. Perhaps your other siblings would like to join in too."

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