Episode 65: Struggle of the Dark Ones

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"Prince Zafir," Koukyuu said, grinning. She staggered toward the Mizu no Kin heir.

"Princess Koukyuu," Zafir said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I'll tell you later. First, we got to deal with this guy!"

"Tsk. More dove royalty," Satoru said as he pulled out the sword off of his back. "I hope that you're stronger than the princesses lying on the floor! Else, you'll be a disappointment."

Zafir flashed him a smug smile. "I already defeated one of your kind before coming here."

Satoru's chuckled, and he spun around, unleashing a wave of energy from his ice sword. Zafir sidestepped it. "Why do I get the sense that this was destined?"

The prince shrugged and smiled. "No idea, but I get the same impression too." He glanced over at Teresa. "Get the princesses and the others out of here."

"Sorry, but she dies!" Satoru said before snapping his fingers.

Zafir flashed in front of Teresa, shielding her from the ice with his body. Thankfully, he was unaffected by it. "What a dishonorable person you are!"

Satoru grinned. "Honor is for chumps!" he yelled as his tails reappeared. They broke through Zafir's armor before the prince could react. "You should've left the women and the peasant to die, now it's you who will perish."

Zafir winced as he felt the tips of the tails against his back. He let out a scream as the pain from his past injuries returned.

"Zafir!" Teresa yelled. She freed herself from the prince's grasp and picked up her weapon. She ran over to the tails and swung her weapon with all the strength she had, slicing them off. "Ya won't hurt Zafir nor my family!" She tossed the Yari at the shocked fox.

Satoru dodged the three-prong spear as tendrils of darkness emerged from his tails. "Die!" he yelled as spheres of darkness were flung from each of his damaged tails.

"Not on my watch!" a familiar voice yelled. The spheres were halted in midair by clouds of black shadow. Standing in front of Teresa and the others was none other than Serrano.

"Serra, you made it back," Tetsu said, grinning.

"Of course, Takeshi tasked me with protecting you three with the weapon he left behind. So consider this me carrying out his will."

Tetsuya averted his eyes. Mildly annoyed again that he wasn't the one his father had chose as his successor.

"Tsk. More annoyances. I assume that you're Takeshi's heir, correct?" Satoru asked as he gathered cold energy in his hands.

"Ya heard of my dad?" Teresa asked.

"Dad?" Satoru asked as he jumped back. "Ahh. That explains why you and that guy have those regenerative abilities." He snickered. "You two and your cousin here aren't too different from Roa and Etsuo."

"Huh?" the three asked.

Satoru turned right and raised his tails in front of himself as a diamond sphere was flung at him. The weapon tore through his tails, turning them into clouds of mist.

"What?" the fox boy yelled as he turned around. Standing behind him was the crown princess. "You... you will pay for this!"

"Try me!" the princess yelled. She jumped as icicles raced after her like bullets. She chuckled and swung Alma in front of her in a circle. The ice was reduced to tiny powder and landed in front of her. "Hmm, that was weaker than I expected. Is that all you got, fox-boy?"

The fox's sapphire eyes widened. He took a step back and covered himself in a veil of freezing wind. "Tsk. I need to go find the others..."

"Lightning Rain!" a voice yelled. Satoru gasped as lightning struck him from all sides, paralyzing him. "Hmph, this one is definitely not at the same level as that Collin guy."

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