Episode 75: Hate-filled Eyes

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[Imperial Palace Dungeon]

"N-next, I activate Celestial Card: Prayer to the Heavens!" Dan yelled as he flipped a hologram of a card. "When my only spirit is a priest class spirit, I-I can have it call forth two spirits from the depths of Shiloh back with their battle points reduced to zero. Those ones I choose are Solar King Leo and Solar Queen Ama! I place one card face down and end my turn!"

Etsuo stared at the smiling Dan with suspicion. The kid obviously had a plan, but what was it? He needed to rid the field of his hidden cards for one. Next, he needed to rid the field of those zero battle point monsters.

"Fraternizing with the enemy, huh?" a voice called out. The three turned around and saw a black-haired young man. His gray-eyes were glaring at them. "Then again, I shouldn't expect much else from members of the Makkuroyama clan. You, after all, carry the blood of traitors in your veins, not to mention the blood of our clan's sworn enemies."

The young man stuck his hand through the bars of the cell. He sliced the device on Dan's hands with an energy shock wave emitting from the blade at the end of his gauntlet.

Dan cried as the holograms on his side of the field vanished. "Sol..." The spark that was in his eyes disappeared.

"Dan, are you alright?" Etsuo asked, walking over to him.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Kiara yelled as she pulled the new arrival up by the collar of his shirt. She had unlocked the cell while Etsuo was comforting her brother.

"Let go of me," the boy said, giving her a stern look. "If you don't, then I'll slice off your arms."

Kiara took a step forward and tossed him onto the floor. "Get out! I don't want to see you again!"

The boy pushed himself off the gray stone floor and flashed her a murderous glare. "That was a terrible move, Makkuroyama!"

Kiara stepped to the side as the boy ran at her as he brandished a knife. The young man turned around and sliced the air, unleashing another shock-wave.

"Hey, stop fighting!" Etsuo yelled. He stared at the open cell. Was this a test to see if he would escape? Or were his enemies really this stupid?

"The cell!" Kiara yelled as she dodged the young man's latest swing.

The rude stranger turned toward Etsuo and slammed him against the wall. "Don't even think about it. If you dare move even one inch, then I'll slice your whole body until I've located your core, and then I'll shatter it to ensure you're dead."

Etsuo stared at the boy's deep gray eyes. They were filled with hatred. He had never seen such hate-filled eyes, not even from the likes of Satoru.

"Who are you anyway?" Kiara snapped. "Watching over Etsuo is our job."

"I'm Naoru Kurodake. As for it being your job, it's not anymore," the young man said. "I'm going to have members of my group replace you. You Makkuroyama folks have proven to be untrustworthy. Honestly, playing with the enemy as if you were friends. What do you hope to get out of it?"

Kiara clenched her hands into fists. "What authority do you have? King Osamu left the guarding of Etsuo to my dad! Now, apologize to my brother and unhand Etsuo!"

Naoru tightened his grip on Etsuo's neck and pressed the tip of his blade against the captive's face. "I won't apologize to that kid, and I certainly won't unhand Etsuo. As for the authority, King Osamu himself told me to keep an eye on you. His younger daughter already showed signs of being a bad judge of people. You appear to share the same opinion as her. The king, on the other hand, is not a fool."

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