Episode 27: Ominous Sensation

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The first thing Roa did upon returning back from the cave was to take a nice and long shower to cleanse his body of all the dust.

"That felt so good," Roa said as he out of the bathroom. He stared at the spacious room, which only had a king-sized bed in the center as well as a window-sill bed. He had allowed Etsuo to take the big bed while he took the one by the window.

While he could've had a room of his own, he didn't like being separated from Etsuo. He was the only one around he could afford to trust. He was never sure as to when their secret could be uncovered. If it came down to a fight, he would rather have Etsuo by his side. Even if it were a battle that neither could win, he preferred to fall alongside him.

The raven-haired teen walked over to the bed, where a pair of fresh clothes awaited him along with a letter written by Etsuo himself. "Rosa and I left this pair of clothes for you. You were taking so long in the shower that I decided to go on without you and have dinner with the others."

Roa crumpled the letter in his hands. So much for being there for one another. What a selfish guy. He could have afforded to wait a bit longer. It's not like we need to eat every day.

He sighed and took the clothes from the bed and quickly put them on. He smiled as he checked himself out in the mirror. "Looking good, Roa." He blushed as soon as he said that.

Oh, dear God of Darkness, I am starting to sound like dad!

He ran out of the room only to be struck by the most unexpected, yet mouth-watering smell. "What are they eating?" he asked as he made his way for the stairs.

"Hey, Roa!" someone called out to him. He spun on his heels and saw Reno running from the farthest hallway. "You haven't eaten either, huh? Smells like they're making cookies."


"You don't know about them?" the fiery red-head asked, tilting his head.

Roa shook his head. "I haven't had any, but I think my dad mentioned them once or twice."

"Hehe. I've had them a few times myself, but never have I smelled any like these," Reno said before wiping drool from the corners of his mouth. He averted his face. "I mean, we better go check them out."

Roa chuckled and ruffled the boy's crimson hair. "Quit with the manly act. It doesn't suit you."

Reno slapped his hand away and ran off. "Idiot!" he yelled, his face red.

Roa chuckled and descended the stairs.

"Such a big house," Reno said, eyes wide as he looked around the place. "My uncle sure is loaded."

"Your uncle?"

"You didn't hear? The duke is my uncle."

"Ahhh, is that why they didn't tie you up?"

Reno shook his head. "No. I am to help the crown in return for my freedom, else I would be in prison for several years." He scoffed and pouted. "Imagine me, becoming a dog of the monarchy. I can't believe my parents accepted it so easily."

"Surely they had their reasons," Etsuo said as he walked out of a silver archway with a bag of cookies in hand.

"Hey, where did you get those?" Roa said, running over to him. He sniffed the cookie in his companion's hand like a horse would sniff a sugar cube. He took a bite of it, causing Etsuo to let out a scream. Roa devoured the whole thing and even licked the crumbs off of his hand.

"Roa, your manners," Etsuo said.

"Gross," Reno said. "You're a dog or horse or something?"

Roa snickered. "Kind of, the latter, not the former. One of my aunts is, though."

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