Episode 68: Caged Memories

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[A day later- northern Royal Territory]

"So cold," Tetsuya said, rubbing his gloved hands together. On the way, they had changed out of their armor into warmer clothes, but even then, they weren't enough to combat the cold.

He turned toward his left and gazed out the bullet train window. It was starting to snow. It had been the first time he had seen it since his senior year in high school. Though he never expected to see snow three weeks before the start of summer. Even in the mountains where he lived in, such a sight in mid-spring was unusual.

He glanced down at his notebook. He had been writing down what he knew about his team members as well as the enemy thus far. He was trying to develop some potential strategies, even though those could easily be ruined given he knew little to nothing about Etsuo's dad. Then there were the only potential enemies they could end up facing off against.

Rosalba glanced over at him and put her left hand over his right. "You should rest, you've been up all day."

Having her hand over his caused heat to return to his face. If it weren't for her support, he likely wouldn't have been where he was.

"Alright, but you should too," he said as he kept looking outside. "You've been awake all day too."

He couldn't help but wonder where the girl's energy came from. She was incredible. Neither the journey nor the cold seemed to affect her one bit. She honestly had to be immune to the cold, given that Satoru's ice didn't affect her either.

"Alright, I will," she said, leaning against his shoulder.

He smiled and closed his eyes, as well.


[Minami City, Southern Province- Eight Years Ago]

Tetsuya frantically looked back and forth through the crowded streets for any sign of his siblings. His older siblings had run off to check out all the various stuff that was on sale.

"Takuya! Teresa!" he yelled to draw their attention. There was no response. Hope that they aren't lost...

"I'll look for them this way," Anis said, pointing toward her right. "We'll meet up at the nearby park in a few minutes. Be careful not to get lost yourself." She sighed. "I seriously need to give those two a long chat about wandering off on their own."

Tetsuya nodded and watched as his ma ran off. As he was about to turn around, he felt something throw him back with incredible force. His head struck the ground with a loud thud. If it weren't for Valencia being his ancestor, he likely would've ended up with a severe concussion.

"Owww," he said, rubbing the back of his head. He saw trees all around him instead of the various concrete streets and paved roads. Whatever hit him must've sent him flying several meters into the nearby park. "What was..." He glanced down at his chest and saw a brown-haired kid with big round eyes on top of him. "Uh... hello?"

The girl pushed herself up with her scrawny arms. She was short and thin as if she hadn't eaten for months.

The girl glanced back with concern. "This is bad, Yuko has to escape," the girl said as her eyes glanced around the park.

Yuko? Escape?

"Hey," Tetsuya yelled, reaching his hand out for her.

The girl stopped and slapped his hand with the little strength she had. "Mister... are you with him? Who is Mister?" she asked, backing away.

"My name is Tetsuya. And who are you referring to?" Tetsuya asked, scratching his head.

She shook her head. "Yuko... has to go now." The strange girl rushed off, holding her hat close to her head as if her dear life depended on it.

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