Episode 26: Resolution

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Tetsuya and company arrived at the collapsed cavern entrance. Much to their surprise, a new cave had already been formed in its place. Stepping out of the cavern were the rebels who were flanked by Kuroshi and Eiji. Hideaki meanwhile carried an unconscious Dan in his arms.

"Dad! Dan!" Hideo said, lowering his gun as soon as he saw his father.

"Hide," Hideaki said, grinning. "You're a little late."

Hideo chuckled. "It seems that way."

The rebel leader snickered. "Hide? I didn't think that you would grow up to be so conceited, Hide."

Hideo narrowed his eyes at the rebel leader. "Why are you speaking so casually to my Dad? Dad, why didn't you kill them? These peasants dared to hurt my brother! They deserve to die!"

She sighed. "It seems this son of yours resembles his aunt more than his father."

"Huh? Which aunt? And how do you know my mom's family?" Hideo asked, raising a brow at her.

"She is referring to herself," Hideaki said, glancing over at his sister. "This is my older sister, Zaki."

Hideo's stepped back in disbelief. "Wait, isn't she one of the rebels?"

"Yes, she is their leader, in fact."

Hideo's eyes widened. "So, my brother's soul was taken by your sister?"

Zaki lowered her head. "Yes. For that, I apologize. What I did was wrong, regardless of Dante being my nephew."

Hideo shook his head. "I don't believe it! I can't be related to a rebel!"

"You are aware that it was your grandmother who rebelled against the Kuroriku in the first place, right?" Hideaki asked, giving his oldest son a stern look.

"Uh, yes, but..." He walked over to his father and took Dan into his hands. "I'm going to go bring him back home!"

"Hey, wait, Hideo!" Hideaki yelled, chasing after him. "Are you sure that you'll be able to carry him all the way?

"Let's go," Zaki said as black wings sprouted out of the back of her black robe. She and Lorenzo sprung into the air and followed after her brother and nephew.

"What a strange turn of events," Tetsuya said, tilting his head at the Makkuroyama family.

Kuroshi walked over to him. "I see you did it, you finally activated Agnes!"

Tetsuya gave him a satisfied nod. "Yeah, no thanks to you!"

"Wow, sassy," Eiji said, chuckling.

"He sure got Anis' sass."

Tetsuya's mouth curved into a large O. "Wait, you know my mom?"

Kuroshi nodded. "Yup! I know her... very well," he said, saying the last part with a wink.

Tetsuya narrowed his eyes at him. "What's with that tone? Don't tell me my mother and you dated?"

"Hahaha, something like that," Kuroshi said, rubbing the back of his neck. "So, how is she doing?"

Tetsuya grumbled. The glance he was giving Kuroshi told Rosa that he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did his mother really date a guy like him?

"My mom is doing well," Tetsu responded, stilling glaring at him.

"Hey, have any of you seen Zafir?" Rosa asked as she continued to look around.

"That guy never came," Eiji said as he and the others exited the cave.

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