Episode 80: Fury of the Darkness

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The Monkey King held a hand out toward the giant crystal in the sky and jumped. He grabbed hold of the silver chains keeping the crystal sealed and yanked them apart.

Meanwhile, his wife emerged from a dark portal and held up her hand.

"We better hurry," Rocio said, raising a hand toward the sky. The clouds spun around, causing the sky to darken again except for the area directly above the crystal, which glowed in the colors of the rainbow.

"What is she doing?" Rosalba asked as she shot one of the umbra away with her beams.

"I'm not completely sure, but I have a bad feeling about it," Anis said as she finished off sealing all of the Umbra she had caught with her chains.

"First, we need to take care of that guy," Osamu said as he flew toward them. His clothes and face were covered in what appeared to be soot.

Anis smiled slightly. "Seems like you made it out alive. Thought you had kicked the bucket in that blast of energy."

He scoffed. "That rat is strong, but not enough to kill me."

Daisaru turned to look at them and sent a beam of green light at them.

Eiji rose up from the snow and formed a golden sphere which deflected the beam back at the Monkey King, though it didn't seem to make more than a scratch on the Pillar.

"Darn, I'm out of juice," the Lightning King said as the golden aura around him vanished. he collapsed to the floor and winced. "Seems that I still need to work on my Second Heaven's energy control."

"That's one of the reasons why Kuroshi told us to avoid using that form," Osamu said, glaring at the enemy.

The mysterious naked man flew out of the hole in the ground and glared at them.

Tetsuya turned his eyes away from the battle and closed his eyes. His breathing grew weaker every minute. After the battle with Satoru and taking a hit in the chest, his body was at its wit's end.

"Tetsu?" Teresa said, turning around to look her brother. She furrowed her brow as he failed to respond.

"Tetsu?" Takuya said.

Anis tried her hardest not to turn to look as she aimed her chains at Rocio and the giant crystal suspended in the sky. Her sister-in-law, however, deflected the chains with her bare hands.

"Rocio..." Anis whispered.

Rocio looked back and smiled. She held out her hand and threw a sphere of darkness at her. Anis gasped and wrapped her chains in front of her to form a shield. The chains were shattered, but their broken links quickly began to reform.

Anis grumbled. "Seems the Monkey King isn't our only obstacle here."

"Brother," Takuya said, putting Tetsuya down. He glanced over his shoulder at the second princess of his country. "Rosa, can you do me a favor and heal him? His wound has closed, but his pulse is irregular."

Rosalba turned around. She jogged over toward the Agnes knight as his mother had finished sealing all of the Umbra.

"Of course," the princess said. She stared at the knight with sad eyes as she placed her hands over the hole in the armor. Kohri noted that the armor could deflect magical attacks and even weaken non-magical damage when they had purchased it. If not for it, he likely would've died already.

Rosalba grimaced as she felt Tetsuya's pulse fluctuate erratically. Takuya is right. His pulse is irregular. It's as if the attack from that mysterious man messed up his vitals, in addition to his mana.

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