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I woke up, not ready for the day ahead of me. I sighed as I got out of my bed and felt the coldness of the wooden floor. I try to wake up before Chelsy, my foster 'mom'. I couldn't blame her for not loving me as a child, I was always depressed and not fun to be around. I got into my comfy clothes, today was going to be a long Friday. I was making some eggs when I heard my alarm to wake up went off. I usually wake up before it. I rushed to my room to make sure it didn't wake anybody. It's very embarrassing when your alarm is Guns and Ships. Recently I've been obsessed with the Broadway musical 'Hamilton' despite being Canadian for my whole life.

I ran back to my eggs hoping they didn't burn. To my luck, they did. I just ended up making some toast with butter. I ate it quickly and went to my bathroom to do my daily routine. I heard Chelsy's door open. Hopefully she won't be grumpy this morning. I slowly walked out and peeked through the door separating the dining room from the kitchen. She didn't look happy, like every morning. I went to my room and saw how much time I had left until my bus came. I had 50 minutes to do whatever I wanted! I get excited when I have extra time in the morning!

I pulled up a video of Lin Miranda being the adorable person that he is on my laptop. Besides being obsessed with Hamilton, I've been obsessed with the man himself, Lin. I mostly liked him since we shared personalities, and a lot of similarities, we have the same nose, eyes and mouth. Also a little secret, I can imitate his voice to perfection. That's the one thing I lived for, singing. I looked up to Lin as much as i did to my mother and father. I quickly paused the video when I saw Chelsy come in. "Morning!" I greeted happily, trying to brighten her mood. "Ugh." She grunted and walked out. My fake smiled faded. I tried to get some really happiness out by watching Lin.

After 37 minutes of me watching Lin Miranda and Jonathan Groff being adorable, I got ready for school. I packed a couple snacks since I hate the school food. I grabbed my giant book of Alexander Hamilton that my dad gave me since he saw that I was so obsessed. I don't think I mentioned that my parents died recently, like about a year ago. I put on my jacket and toque. I made my way to the bus stop. I was delighted to hear absolute silence outside. Winter was nearing the end, but still too cold to not go out in full winter gear.

I listened to Hamilton in my brain, am I the only one that does that? I shouldn't talk to myself in my brain, now that's what's messed up. I guess having a lack of friends that can come over, I talk to myself at home. I saw the bus in the distance. My bus driver loved me, for some reason. "Morning Maddie!" She greeted happily. I flashed a smile and said morning. I had to wait for my friend to come on since he was at another bus stop. Being the stupid 11 year old that I am, I only have guy friends, well 2 girl friends, but they're not as good as friends. "ugh these child's are so depressed!" Brennan yelled like he does every morning. His brother followed behind him, Brennan is a year older than me and his brother a year older than him. "Why do you always say that?" I asked. "Because it's true!" He yelled once again. I giggled. Brennan's brother Lance took out his book and continued to read, blocking out me and Brennan's continuous laughing. Me and Brennan go to separate schools so I get dropped off first. I looked up at my massive school.

When I sighed I saw my breath make a beautiful smoke shape in the sky.

It's your favourite author here of course!
Haha no you guys all hate me.
I quick note, this is all based on real events and my daydreams mixed together. So you're basically reading my depressed life.

(I'm not a orphan, just saying XD)

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