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This shizz has to be extra long. I almost forgot.

My thoughts slowly drifted away as I inhaled the chemicals. My number one fear is waking up in the middle of this. I still heard talking, but it faded quickly.

I slowly started to wake up. I was still in the testing room. I freaked out for a second because I thought I was still doing testing and I have a needle in me. I realized slowly that no one else was in the room. My reflexes felt slower than usual. I wanted to just get up and leave, my legs felt normal. I know I'm fine, i have these random breakouts all the time, just never this bad. I really never looked into it too much. I kind of felt it as a weird phase I have every so often.

I did end of getting up, I was bored. I pressed the little nurse button thing. It would be weird to not see Ms.Hess come in and greet me with a hug. I sat back in the uncomfortable bed, wait into be back with Lin. The door opened and a nurse came in. She smiled nicely, it scared me for some reason. "I see you're awake." She spoke nicely. 'No shit sherlock' I thought to myself. I faked a smile back. "We will get the doctor in here as soon as possible!" She said and walked out. I looked at the little table beside me. There was a colouring book and a couple of pencil crayons. I grabbed them, assuming they were for my wait. I started doodling to soothe my nerves.

Before I knew it, the doctor came in. I finished 2 pages of the colouring book. I put it to the side and stared at him. "Well Ms.Miranda.." He said as he looked at a clipboard. "Well, I'll keep it simp,e so you will understand better..." He spoke again, still not looking at me. I couldn't say anything about him making it simple, I don't understand a lot of stuff, my brain shuts dow whenever I have to take in info. "So, we don't know what's going on yet." Okay Maddie, break that down, he means you're screwed and Lin will have to pay a ton of money to fix your messed up brain. "Also, what you have isn't lethal, it won't hurt you." He explained.

I sat there, uninterested in whatever he is saying. After what seemed like forever, I heard the key words, "So, we will let you go back, we have this medication that you will have to take twice a day one in the morning, one at night. You can go see your dad now." He said. It felt like forever since I last seen Lin. I got up and followed the doctor out. I hope Lin didn't worry to much, I hope he knows I'm fine.

I went into the waiting room to find Vanessa joined with Lin, so at least he wasn't alone. Lin looked up quickly, I saw the worry in his eyes, the same with Vanessa. I felt bad, very bad, for having whatever I have. I walked over to them as they walked to me. Lin pulled me into a hug. "I'm fine." I somewhat laughed. "Well, I guess I have to go do some things at the desk, you can go to the car, it's right outside." He spoke, his words sounded odd, it must of been from the worry, but I'm unsure. I nodded my head and went to the door. The cold air hit my face hard. I saw Lin's car right away. I sat in the back seat. I took off my shoes and curled into a ball as the cold air around me calmed my nerves.

I was awoken by the sound of the car door opening. I looked up to see Vanessa and Lin getting ready to leave. I didn't speak as I out on my seat belt and looked out the window. I heard Lin and Vanessa spoke, but before I knew it, my thoughts began to leave, I closed my eyes and dreamt about life if I was normal. If I had a family that didn't die, if I didn't have a stupid mental problem.

The roads were busy that day. The sounds didn't help me daydream straight, I can't focus with sounds other than calming music or silence. I re-ran my thoughts through my head, when I used to play by myself in the comfort of my old room. I remember my brothers and sister, they were young and healthy, but I can barely remember what happened, I was young. I couldn't help but think of Olivia, Von and Jason, they kept me sane. Olivia's smile, Von's humour and Jason's playfulness. They were fun, but now I might not see them again. The last time we spoke, I was just about to go into a stupid coma from this stupid condition.

All of my other friends, they are what made me, me. Every single one, no matter what they did in my life, Jessica, we were best friends, but she ditched me for the popular people, but, she was still my friend for so long. When she ditched me, it made me hang with Jason more, causing Von to be friend, then everything was amazing. Life was perfect, I have to admit, Lin and Vanessa are amazing, but, I was even fine with Chelsy. As long as my brain didn't ditch me, I could be in any sort of emotion, but still be fine.

Before I knew it, we were home. I got out quickly but walked slowly to the door. I got to the door first, Lin and Vanessa weren't far behind me. They unlocked the door, Tobi greeting us. She clearly wanted me to pet her, but I walked to my room. I didn't check any of my devices, I collapsed on my bed, and hoped for good dreams.

This took way to long.

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now