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I took the bus home like everyday. I had no plans this weekend. Probably just mess around with my laptop and watch movies. I was happy to know that Chelsy was visiting her moms this weekend so I had the place to myself. When I came home she was already gone. She left $40 so I could order pizza so I wouldn't starve. Usually you don't leave a 11 year old at home for a weekend but she didn't care. I ran to my room and yelled "FREEDOM!" A lot. I jumped onto my bed and let out a happy sigh. I pulled up a video of Lin trying to play recorder. That's just the stuff I watch

It was about 6:40 pm when I heard the house phone ring. I picked up and answered with a happy hello. "Hello is this Chelsy Rowlter?" A lady spoke from the other side. "Uh no this is her foster daughter Maddie Roberto?" I replied. "Ah yes Maddie, so someone has asked to see you just to see if they want to adopt you." She said. I wanted to yell in excitement but I kept cool. "Uh, that's amazing! When do I have to come over?" I asked excitedly. "They just came in so even right now would be fine." She replied nicely. "Sure! I'll be there in maybe 15 minutes!" I almost yelled. I hung up and began to excitedly yell. I could finally leave this place! Well it depends if they want me.

I got on my best outfit and my good shoes and began to walk to the orphanage where I went after both of my parents went. Like I said I was there in 15 minutes. The lady knew who I was so she came to greet me. I was extremely nervous. Why me? Out of all these wonderful children that were a way better choice, why me?

We had a little room that kind of looking like a room where police would talk to criminals but it was nice. They put me in the room and told me to wait until they got my potential new parent. I wanted to die of happiness. Maybe it was a whole family! Or maybe it was a mom or a dad or both!

Now what happened next is what made my brain explode.

They brought in.

The person I've looked up to for so long now

They brought in Lin-Manuel Miranda.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. The lady looked confused but just left the room with the two of us inside. "Hello!" He greeted. His voice sounded even more beautiful in person. I tried to spit out words but it came out mumbled and gross. I breathed in and out and managed to say. "Hi! My name is Maddie!". I exhaled really creepily. No wonder why people don't want you. "So, I assume you know who I am, just by how you reacted." He replied. My cheeks went red. "Y-yeah.... Sorry." I apologized. "No need to say sorry." He smiled, which caused me to smile.

"Well Maddie, I didn't just come in here, I have something to tell you.." Lin said, the sound of guilt in his voice. I raised my eyebrow. "Well, me and your mother, uh sort of.. Um how do I say this." He mumbled. "Just say it, I'm 11 I understand." I replied impatiently. "Well we got drunk and... We uh." He had to say no more. I understood. My jaw dropped once again. "Y-yeah." He stuttered. So my Father, the man that my mom told me right before she got cancer, was the person I looked up too for so long now. I couldn't put it through my brain. "H-how did you find me?" I asked. "Well, I was close friends with your moms sister, Muriel." He answered. "She tried to hook us up but, I don't know." He mumbled once again. What's sad is that Auntie Muriel died just after mom. "W-wow." I said to myself out loud. "And when I heard that basically your whole family passed. I couldn't just leave you. I had to do something." He continued. No wonder why I share such similarities. "So you flew to Canada, took time out of your life just to come see me?" I reassured myself. "Not just to see you, dear, but to adopt you." He corrected. A tear left my eye.

"I'll wake up from this dream soon..." I mumbled just loud enough for Lin to hear

I'll go home

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now