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I passed out with the book in my hand.

I woke up to find Tobi scratching at the door. She must need to go pee. I put my hair in a quick bun and I put on my jacket. I saw her leash somewhere. Ah yes, near the door. I grabbed a sticky note and wrote 'taking Tobi for a walk, I won't be that long.' And stuck it to the table. I checked the time, 7:26 am. I put on tobi's leash. I went down the stairs and headed outside. It was slightly cold this morning. I streets were busy but I got over it quickly.

I made sure I didn't take random turns, I didn't want to get lost. I went straight to find myself at a dog park, perfect. Tobi and I walked in. Nobody was around, except for one girl, about the same age as me. I questioned why she wasn't in school. I kept walking were Tobi wandered. I was looking down, following the dog. Without know where I was going, I ended up face to face with the girl. Tobi went up to her dog. "S-sorry." I said quickly and pulled Tobi away. "It's alright." She replied with a smile. She seems nice. "Why are you not in school?" She asked. "Why are you not in school?" I asked back. "Hey, I asked you first." She laughed. "Well, I've been recently adopted, I'm not starting school till next school year." I answered honestly. "Lucky.." She said, almost in a whisper.

"Oh, that probably doesn't make sense, I'm in a foster home." She said again. "Oh I get it now." I giggled. "I was in a foster home." I replied. "Was yours mean?" She asked. "Yeah.. Is yours?" I asked. "Kinda..." She whispered. I looked her up and down, I saw a bruise on her cheek. "Report them." I said, almost lifelessly. "W-what?" She responded. "I'm not blind, I see that bruise.." I spoke. She touched it lightly. "Brooklyn." She said as she put out her hand. "Maddie." I shook her hand. "I don't know if you have a phone but, can I give you my number?" She asked. "Of course." I replied.

She gave me her number on a sticky note. I went home since Tobi was getting cold. I went back to see no sign of anyone awake. I took the sticky note off the table. I instantly went to my phone and texted Brooklyn, I know it seems weird but I know as a foster kid, you have nothing better to do.

Hey! It's Maddie

Oh hey, I just got back.


Hey.. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today, but not at my house.. 'Mother' will get mad.

Sure, I'll just ask my parents.

Text me if they yes or no.

I have to wait for them to get up. Well I guess mission ' get a friend ' is over. I'll finally have someone to hang out with until school.

Heh, mission get a friend

Hey.. Still grounded, I just stole my iPad back. It's almost bed time for my parents so I'll have all night to write. Remember, every 10 chapters, you will get a extra long one :3

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now