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I decided to skype my friends, it's been a while.. I grabbed my laptop and went to me, Jason and Von's chatroom.

Life is lonely without you guys.

But you got lin

Nobody could replace you guys

Well, your new friend can.

Who said she replaced you guys?

We're just kidding, we miss you!

I don't..

Shut up..

Maderino has logged off

I smiled slightly as I closed me laptop. Just those little chats make me so happy and create memories I'll cherish. The room is getting quite cold, maybe having the window open wasn't a great idea. I got up and closed the window. The rain still fell strong, it made me want to stare at each raindrop fall. I stared out the window as the rain fell down from the grey clouds from above. I could stare at nature for hours, as soon as I look out of a window, I'll get lost in thought.

I realized that I should really eat something. I went out of my room, my eyes opened wide, it feels like forever since they saw a different terrain other than my room. I opened up the pantry, completely forgetting what I was doing. I just sat there staring at nothing, forgetting that I needed food in my body to y'know, not die. I just grabbed a thing of crackers and took a handful. That'll be enough for me for one day. I heard the piano from the other room, the song was definitely familiar, come on brain, what song is this?

Ah yes, city of stars. I've listened to that song a lot, it's hard to forget. I stood in the middle of the living room, listening to the piano. I wanted to sing, but I'm still not good at it. I knew every word, every note I have to hit, but still I suck at singing. I started to tap my foot to the beat, that was so familiar to my brain. I loved music so much, i force it into my life everyday. I walked slowly to my room as the music faded. My room seemed darker and colder than the others. I took a deep breath in and held it, I held for a long time and finally took another breath. Everything got dark, the sun was setting, it's still kind of winter, well I wish it was still winter, I can't handle heat. I couldn't sit down, so I got up and got a glass of water that I knew I wouldn't drink, I just needed a reason to get up. My glass was 3 quarters ice, not much water.

I felt lonely, so I decided to visit with Lin for a bit. I slowly entered the room, he didn't look back at me. He sat at the piano, he wasn't playing anything, just sitting. "Hey.." I spoke quietly. He moved slightly, so I knew he heard me. "What are you doing?" I asked as I stood beside him. "Just thinking of a song to play." He replied. My fingers moved closer and closer to the piano, and I started to play random notes. Even though it sounded bad, I just loved the sound of piano, even random notes that don't fit together. Lin did nothing to stop me, so I just started playing something random, but I chose notes that sounded good together. I really wanted to write music, but I'm a slow learner. My eyes felt like they were wider than they should be, that never happens. I guess just playing piano makes me feel awake, in reality.

*groans* I've tried so much music, nothing inspires me.

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now