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After being jumps cared by toast, I went to the table and ate my toast. I finished in 16 seconds, I counted. I think I eat to fast. I only used a paper towel as a plate so there was no clean up. I went to my room to here the faint sound of 'Nooooo' coming from my headphones. I grabbed them and turned off my music. I sat in my comfy bed. I stared out the window. I loved my view. What I would miss about my city is that I could see the stars, here it's just darkness in the sky. Stupid light pollution. I ended up getting super bored and ended up falling asleep.

I woke up on the couch. I freaked out for a second, then I realized I just sleep walked. I went back to my bed which was now ruined because I just had to take off all the blankets. I messily placed them all back on my bed and plopped on them, causing my body to fall through them. I haven't seen Lin ever since he went into his room, he must be working on something. I remembered that look on his face when I looked up, it made me feel like I was a monster. I felt like Matt. By what I've heard, Matts and idiot, wonder what he's doing. I hope he's dead too. I went to my suitcase that I put under the bed. I left my journal in there. I see why Lin got mad, I would hate someone if they went through this. It had just ideas, mostly short stories.

I went through the entire thing, cringing at the old stories and laughing at the newer ones. My friends always wanted me to become a author, but I can't right more than one page on paper, also my handwritings crap. My hands shake way to much, so it looks like chicken scratch. That's why I kept it private, mostly. I was almost done it, only 7 pages left. Maybe I'll do journal entries like Lin. He is famous, maybe if I did it I'll become famous. I almost laughed at my thoughts.

I heard Lin finally escape his room. I put my journal down since it's a similar colour to his. I grabbed my laptop and just went to Lins Twitter. He hasn't tweeted in a hour, I guess he was not on his phone in his room. I heard my phone buzz. It was from Jason

I have never seen such horror

Why did you even sneak into it?

It was a good idea at the time



Smolest chapter yet.... Crap

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