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I slept next to Lin, trying to to touch his back. I slept in my clothes since I was already wearing something comfy. I finally drifted to sleep.

I jolted upwards from my bed breathing heavy. I had another nightmare. I sighed in relief that it was over. I could never sleep in a bed after a nightmare, I had to sleep on a couch. I slowly got out of bed and went to the couch. Hopefully I would wake up and he'd still be there.

I woke up before Lin did. I checked my phone for the time. It was 6:38 am. That means it was still dark out. I looked out the window to see the sun slowly rising. I sat on the ledge of the window on the cushions. I watched the sun slowly rise and looked over my small town, naming the names of drivers in cars. I wanted to watch the sun rise forever, but it was over. I realized I watched it for over a hour, it was now 7:49 am. I also didn't realize that Lin had woken up and somehow got changed. I assume in the bathroom.

"When did you wake up?" He asked. "6:30" i replied. "You certainly wake up early." He laughed. I smiled and went to the washroom and brushed my hair and changed into clean clothes. "Well what are we going to do for the weekend?" I asked. I didn't expect him to plan or anything. "Honestly, I just want to know you better." Lin mumbled. I don't think he understands on how I can ramble for hours without noticing. "Are you sure, I can talk a lot without knowing." I said, looking at the ground. "Why do you say that likes it's a sin? I love to hear your voice!" He replied. This is why I love the man.

"How about we go to Tim Hortons first." I suggested. "What's that?" He asked. Oh yeah. Tim Hortons is not that big in America. "Uh, it's a cafe. It's hard to explain, things are a lot different in Canada, do you even know what a double-double is?" I asked. Lin just stared confused. I simplified the question. "What do you like in your coffee? Or should I ask, do you even like coffee?" I'm asking way to many questions, see this is what I do, I talk way to much. "I like 2 sugar in my coffee." He spoke quietly, trying to process my words. "Another thing about me is at I also talk fast and mumble, so this might be hard for you." I spoke quickly, proving my point.

We walked to Tim Hortons in the cold snow. It wasn't that far since there are literally 3 hotels surrounding a Wendy's and Tim's. I got a iced Capp (if any Canadians are reading this, like brynn, that you will understand. Americans are either confused or do t care). I ordered for Lin since he was a little slow this morning. We sat inside while I told him about myself like he wanted.

"And that's how I broke my arm when I was 4" I finished. Lin was finally awake from all of my talking waking him up. Every time he smiled it brightened up the entire café. I slowly realized we have the same smile. We both had the curves at the side of our mouths when we smiled. I loved figuring out our similarities! "You have a really interesting life." Lin spoke as he took a sip of his coffee. "Yours is cooler." I argued. He flashed another smile that made me want to smile as well.

It's very late... And this took very long to write for some reason.

Oh and brynn, I have no idea if you ARE reading this, but my snapchat doesn't want to work so i have to make a new one.

I don't have private message so this is what I have to do guys .-.

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now