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I couldn't believe how many times I watched that video. I turned over to see Lin who is now turned away from me. I giggled. "A pretty thing like you will need a thing or two~" the video sang. I turned it off since I realized I wasn't even paying attention. I walked into my room and put my laptop on my drawer. I hopped on my bed back first and plopped on it. I looked over at my pillow to see Lin's journal peaking out, basically asking me to read it. I closed my door and grabbed my phone and headphones. I pulled out the journal and began to read with the sweet sound of people yelling "SAY NO TO THIS" into my ears very loudly.

July 15, 1998.
Well, my plans to write in my journal are gone, I'm way to busy with friends that constantly want me to come over. I haven't had my alone time in a bit. I'm actually writing this while Muriel is over, we're watching a movie. She's the only one that's doesn't 'Desperately need to know what I write about.". I need to get my thoughts out on something. My other journal with my songs is way more clustered and messed up.

July 16, 1998.
Finally. A few days where nobody wants me to come over or them come over to my apartment. I've been sitting in my room writing songs. I really want people to know my songs. I love listening to music, and I want people to enjoy my music like I enjoy theirs.

July 17, 1998.
I've finally filled my entire song book up. I keep it with my other books so it can blend in so nobody will read it. Basically everyone I know hates reading, no idea why, it's fascinating to just leave this world in live in another. I really love books about facts, they make me feel smarter even though I'll never use them.

July 19, 1998.
I saw Matt at the grocery store. As i was going to grab my favourite cereal, he took it from me. That was the last box. So now I'm just going to be a heathen and eat toast in the morning. He could of just let me have that goddamn lucky charms.

July 23, 1998.
I've been eating toast for what seems to be years now. I ran out of jam yesterday so today I had some bland gross buttery toasted bread this morning. I had to go out and get a new journal for my music since as soon as I filled out my old one, I thought of a amazing song, but I forgot it all in a matter of one day. And I can't write on paper, I would loose it in a day. I did that once and I lost it in a hour. Probably because my room looks like hell, as in messy, it's not on fire.

July 24, 1998.
I've just heard the worst news of my life.. Muriel is moving to Canada now. She's now officially decided. She still says that I'll love her sister Rachel, but I think she just wants me to visit. It might take a while since I'm a poor graduate. I'll have to go to college so I can get a job, then maybe I'll be able to afford it.

yay! No more writers block, my brain demolished that block like a boss!

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