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So these next few chapters are just Lin's Journal, because I'm too lazy to think of things for Maddie to do

May 16, 1998
It's currently 5:08 am, I stayed up late studying with Muriel, but we mostly chatted for a duration of the time. She's sleeping on the couch, I offered her the bed but she resisted. I'm going to get up and cook her some breakfast.

Muriel has awaken. She is helping me with breakfast. She is always asking why I write in my 'diary' even though I always say it's a journal but she never believes me. Today will be long, I know it. Why did i wake up so early? Classes are at 12:30 today.

I've just finished eating and now I'm going to get dressed. Muriel is going to just wear her old clothes and brush her hair, seems like her.

I have to head to class now, let the all-nighters begin.

May 20, 1998
It's the middle of class, we are learning things I know. Muriel is just doodling, I can tell. She keeps on saying that she's going to move back to Canada to reunite with family. I hope she will remember me. I promised I'll visit her, but I might not be able to. She keeps on saying that I'll love her sister, Rachel, but I'm not sure. If she's anything like Muriel, then I'll fall in love. I can't get with Muriel, we've been friends for too long now.

May 23, 1998
I haven't slept in a while, we have around 3 projects that are due soon. Me and friends have been working hard. I can't believe that we are going to graduate soon. I'm thinking in getting Muriel something special, but I don't know what.

Oh god Mr.Mendenhall just took my notebook, I got Mike to steal it back for me.

June 1, 1998
It's almost the end of this journey. In less than a month, I'll finally graduate. Soon all the people who call me 'Theatre nerd' will be gone, stupid Matt. Muriel has now found a boyfriend, whom I hate. Obi oust it's Matt, he may be rude to me, but he never does it in front of Muriel for this reason.

To take her.

June 4, 1998
Somehow, Muriel and Matt are still together, and are even calling each other nicknames. 'Mookie' is what Matt calls Muriel. On his defence, it is a catchy nickname.

June 5, 1998
My life is over, Matt has somehow gotten a hold of my poem book, he's now plastering my poems all over the school. I'm not concerned of people seeing them, but I mostly just want my book back. Muriel gave me that after she saw my obsession of writing. I loved it, it was pure red. This note book is just a boring note book.

June 9, 1998
I finally got my notebook back. Muriel got it and gave it back. I was hoping she would break up with him, but she said he was probably just jealous. I didn't want to say all the things he's done to me, nothing serious, he's just a idiot.

Well, that was surprisingly fun. If anyone got the 'Matt is a idiot' reference, than we can finally be friends.

Brynn knows it for sure XD

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