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Probably when I post this I'll have 3K, thanks everyone so much.

I sat in my room, waiting for Lin to go to bed. It sucks since he goes to bed at like 10. That's a lot of waiting. I tried to distract my mind with YouTube but nothing worked. I can only soothe my mind by that journal. Well I'm going to be up late, i may as well make some tea. My grandma got me into it, I just had one sip and I loved it. Luckily I saw some tea when I first came. Lin was watching Ellen, I'm pretty sure he was watching himself on Ellen. I watched as I waited for the water to boil

Well, that was interesting... I made my tea and headed to my room. I saw the exhaustion in Lins eyes. It was around 10:08, so he might go to bed soon. I went to my room and made it so I can read peacefully. It's weird, I can only read peacefully if my bed is made, window open and I have tea beside me. Also it's better if I read in candle light. I grabbed a white lighter I carry with me. It's apparently bad luck to carry a white lighter around, but I like it. I lit the candle and sat down on my bed. Wind went through the window and moved my hair around. I looked out the window, I missed the stars.

Finally, Lin went to bed. I waited just a few minutes until I got up. I went to the book room and grabbed it. It didn't move from where I put it. I lightly grabbed it and slid back into my room. The wind basically created its own music, the sounds of it coming through the window was just quiet enough for me not to get distracted. I opened it, but my hands froze. I couldn't read it, it felt wrong now. I put the journal down. "It's not right." I kept telling myself. I slid it under my pillow. Instead of sleeping, I sipped my tea in silence. I was a weird kid.

My brain told me to read it, but I kept telling it no. To soothe my brain, I stood near the window. The view still amazed me. I guess the lights of buildings could replace stars. I could stand here for hours, that's how weird I am. I looked at my hands, they were shaking more than usual. They must be cold. I changed into pj's well I was up. I stared out the window, counting the lights and watching them go out. The candle went out from the wind. The cold breeze hit my face as I stared out the window. I closed it and went to my bed, not even bothering putting the blankets over me.

So, since this almost has 3K, I have to say, I have like 4 friends, in this I make it like I have so many, but no I just have 4, Von, Francine, Princess (yes that's her name) and 'Jason' (that's not his real name) so yeah, I'm not popular.

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