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I giggled silently at the text. I really wanted to go outside, I miss getting to go outside and exploring the forest that wasn't far from home. I miss the open fields where me and my friends would play. I miss home. I'm slowly starting to realize, this isn't home. I want to go back. I wish I still lived with Chelsy, at least with Chelsy, I could go outside and explore the forest, it felt like it was never ending. I miss singing with my friends. I miss seeing Olivia everyday. Lin may be a perfect dad, but he's not a mystery. The only thing that was mysterious, was his journal. But that's gone. I'm starting to realize, that's I know everything about him.

What's talent without a word? What's family without brothers or sisters? What's life without being able to let loose? I need to get out of here, just for a day. I grabbed my coat, my phone and a little bit of money that I've had for a while. "Uh Lin?" I said, getting his attention. "Yeah?" He replied. ''I'm just going to go for a walk... I'll be back." I spoke. "Sure, be careful." He replied without to much care. I didn't smile. I went to the door. Tobi wanted to come but I told her to backup. I went down the stairs, leading to the front doors. I left the building, it felt so wrong in there, like I wasn't free. Like I was in a cage.

I desperately searched, trying to find somewhere without a person in a 20 meter radius. I couldn't find anywhere. I just needed to be alone in the cold, for just a little bit. No park was empty, no sidewalks were alone. I felt out of place, like I couldn't be anywhere. I felt this feeling that I've never felt in my entire messed up life. My chest tightened, eyes feeling like they needed to be shut, legs feeling like jelly. I needed to be alone, now.

No matter how much I tried to get my mind of my feelings, I still felt my chest tighten even more, my eyes burning, legs feeling weak. I couldn't walk anymore. I felt like blood wasn't fully making its way through my body. I just realized that my breathing was all out of whack. Sometimes I didn't breath for 10 seconds. Sometimes I breathed in for 20 seconds. I didn't feel right. I felt like all eyes were staring at me.

I was so far from the apartment, I was for sure lost. All my senses were down. My vision was blurry, I couldn't feel my legs, I can't breath. I had to force my body not to collapse. I tried to fill my thoughts with music, but I couldn't listen to Lins voice.

It's not comforting anymore

Well, that was a amazing turn of events.

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now