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I couldn't sit down. I kept walking around worrying about my poor girl. She was going to be fine, I kept telling myself. I'm was unsure if I was lying to myself. I needed to talk to someone, but I didn't want to make a sound. I just tried to move my kind to something else, I remember the one thing that made me feel like nothing could go wrong, thinking about Muriel..

I remembered all the fun times we had, her listening to all of my bad raps, but encouraging me to do more, she was so happy when she found out I was making a musical. I tried not to smile at my though, but I did. I think that's why I loved this kid so much. She brought me happiness that only her Aunt could do just right. She was adventurous and loving. She was so innocent. I felt like I had to protect her, to not leave her like I did with her aunt when I didn't come with her back to Canada.

I needed to bring this girl everywhere with me. I can't let someone else I love die. To pass the time I tried to get my mind of it by texting my wife, not telling her about the situation. I realized how much I loved my family. You really understand how much you love someone when they're hurt or gone.

-time skip, because I suck at filler-

It was late at night. I didn't know how long I could stay, but I would stay all night until they said Maddie was ok. I was surprised when a doctor came out. I wanted to yell if she was okay out I just stared at him as he read his clip board.

"Uh, Mr.Miranda, your daughter is a coma, it was caused from a blood vessel being popped and it stop blood from going to the brain. It's not bad, she will wake up in 2 to 5 days and she can breathe by herself." He spoke. I relaxed slowly. I kept on replaying the word 'Daughter' in my brain. "C-can I go see her?" I asked. "Yes you may." He replied. I got up and went down the hallway. I walked into her room. The doctor left as he closed the door. It broke my heart to see her just lying there, helpless. I rubbed my thumb against her forehead.

I listened to her breathe and the beating of her heart. I can't believe no adopted this poor soul before I did. I realized I couldn't tweet my little poems every day, so I tweeted that I was taking a tiny break. I kissed her cheek and left the room silently. I walked out of the hospital. I had to walk to the hotel since I took the ambulance here. It was silent. I looked up to see the stars, that's not something you see in New York. I looked up and saw all the beautiful shapes and clusters of stars. I ended up just sitting on a bench, staring at the sky. I took out my phone and decided to go through all of my videos. I never deleted any of my photos or videos, I just kept buying phones with more storage, I could never give up my memories. I went all the way back to a video of me and Muriel. I forgot all about it.

I played it and saw Muriel's face. She turned the camera and there was little me, sitting at the counter. "Why are recording me?" The video said."because I want you to remember me!" Muriel said. Oh how I missed her sweet voice. "I will never forget you!" Old me said. "I will never forget you.." I said out loud

Oo ohhh damn character back story..

It's so late..

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now