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I left after around 5 minutes of just watching Maddie. Hopefully she will wake up soon. I wonder what she's thinking, don't people dream when they're in a coma right? I honestly I had nothing to do today. I had no friends here, making any would be pointless. All I could do is just wait until she was out of that coma. If I was lucky, should be of of it today, but that's unlikely. I drove around looking at all the Canadian stores. I really like this town, it's big enough that you can meet new people, but small enough that there is never traffic, it's a great change from being in huge cities.

I was just driving when u heard my phone ring. It was a phone number from here. "Hello?" I answered. "This is the Hospital, we are calling you to tell you that you're daughter has woken up and has requested to see you." A lady spoke. "I'll be there in five minutes." I spoke quickly.

I was there in 3. I rushed in as quick as I could. I went straight to Maddie's hospital room. "Hello, Mr.Miranda." The nurse greeted. I saw Maddie smile. "Well I'll see you later, bye Maddie, I will miss you being here." The nurse waved goodbye and smiled. I waited for her to leave until I went up to Maddie. "I'm sorry!" I yelled as I hugged her. "Don't act like its your fault." She spoke quietly. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Good as ever." She smiled. "So can we just leave or do you have to stay any longer, because I was hoping tomorrow we could head out." I said. "Ms.Hess said I could just go check at the front desk and they'll just do a quick test." She explained. "Ms.Hess?" I questioned. "Oh that's the nurse, she's been a family friend for years." She explained as she got up.

We walked up to the front desk. Ms.Hess was the one who took her to the testing room. Before they walked in Ms.Hess looked at me. "You may come too if you want, I know Maddie's pretty shy on her own." She said as Maddie walked into the room. I quickly rushed up and followed the nurse inside.

"Okay Maddie, do you know where you live?" Ms.Hess asked. "Yes, 154 Clarion street." Maddie answered. "Great!" Ms.Hess replied. "Okay Maddie, what's your last name?" She asked. "Miranda." She spoke back. I was surprised she didn't reply with Roberto. She wasn't wrong though, her legal last name was now Miranda. I smiled. "Amazing." Ms.Hess replied. "How old are you?" She asked. "11."

These questions continued for about 10 minutes. Just basic facts about her life, just to make sure there is no memory loss. "Well that's all for today!" Ms.Hess smiled. "Bye Ariel!" Maddie hugged her. "Aww, bye Maddie." She spoke softly. We all walked out. I took Maddie to the car.

"There is so much I have to tell you!" She squealed. I laughed. "What?" I asked. "Well I was having dreams in my coma and it was so cool!" She was so excited. "You're the only person I know that could make a coma sound fun." I giggled

It's very late, and I have way to much school tomorrow..

Also i may not post to much on weekdays, I'm just to busy and lazy

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