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I woke up on the couch in a blanket like a burrito. I quickly grabbed my phone to see that it was. 5:00 am. I didn't know what time Lin wanted to leave the hotel. I decided I'll just get dressed. I went into the bathroom and changed into some comfy clothes. I don't want to feel uncomfortable on the flight. I walked out to see Lin sleeping under the blankets. I opened my laptop and decided to say bye to my friends before I went on the flight

The theatre kids

Bye guys! I'll be leaving soon! Remember, I love ya! ❤️

I'll miss you!!!!!!!

Von why are you up so early?

Why are you?

Okay bye.

I giggled silently. I grabbed my tangled headphones from the side of the couch. I struggled to untangle them. When they were finally untangled I plugged them into my laptop. I pulled up YouTube. I looked in my suggested to find only videos of Lin. It was kind of embarrassing since he is my father now, well he always was I guess. I realized that I basically had no hobbies. I used to draw but I got sick of it, mostly sick of the prices.

I looked at Lin. He had moved over. I still couldn't believe that my idol was going to be my dad. After watching so many videos and reading so many articles, I finally get to meet him, but not just meet him, I get to live with him. I can finally let the past go. Start a new. I couldn't help but smile at my thoughts. At least there was no one around to see it.

To pass the time I just put on a random video that I've watched and just let it auto play from there.

~le time skip~

It has been about a hour. I think Lin should wake up now. I got up and shook him by his arm. He slowly started to wake up. "C'mon it's time to get ready." I changed quietly. "Alright alright, I'm up." He finally said. I stopped shaking him and backed up. He saw that I was ready already. "When did you get up?" He asked while yawning. "Around 5:00 am." I answered. "And what time is it now?" He asked again. "6:00." I replied. "Ok, we still have lots of time." He smiled.

He went into the bathroom and changed clothes. Everything he wore was comfy so he didn't really have to pick out comfy clothes.

I packed all of my things that I left out, my laptop, phone, toothbrush and hairbrush. I packed all but my laptop and phone. I did have a little bag for my laptop and phone. It will be my carry on. Lin's bag on the other hand, was a mess. I laughed as he struggled to fit all of his clothes into one suitcase. "How about you try?" He replied to my laughing. I stopped laughing but still had a smile. I walked over and easily closed it by actually folding the clothes and putting them in. "See, it's easy!" I joked. I laughed as I got up.

Me and Lin checked out and put our bags into the car.

It was time to move!

I get two days off a school for
1. Being sick
And it's the next day and the bus didn't want to come and my mom didn't want to drive

So ha! Scrubs have fun learning! Unless you're American, then you get to learn about American history

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now