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I can't handle this. All of these emotions! I can usually deal with it but I can't stop think about Maddies lifeless figure sitting in that hospital bed. I got up from the bench and continued to walk to the hotel. I wasn't tired, I knew I couldn't sleep anyways. When I got there I sort of just walk around. I realized that I've never been noticed by someone here yet, just Maddie and her friends.

Speaking of Maddie, I went onto her Facebook and looked at all of her photos. I saw something that caught my eye. It was a picture of a YouTube channel. The post read

Ha, I made a YouTube channel, mostly to talk to myself and it being okay.

I searched it up, and to my surprise, she was still active on it, the last video being 2 weeks ago. I clicked on it, dying to hear Maddie's voice.

"Man it's been a while since I talked to myself in a video form." She laughed. "I can't believe that 2016's over now, but that won't fix the fact that I'm stuck in a foster home for the rest of my childhood.". "So I've been thinking, well not thinking, daydreaming, daydreaming about life with my mother. If she was still alive. Well I can't bring anyone back from the dead, but I can think about it, right?". "There is still hope for one of my family members still being alive, my biological father, my mother said that he was a great man, with great potential, but he just wasn't right. Maybe one day he will find me.."

She had many of these videos. Multiple videos of her just talking, no structure, no topic, she just let her mind run free. I went inside of the hotel since it was getting cold. It didn't feel right to sleep. I knew she would be fine, but I wanted to make sure she was 100% safe from the world. I never knew it would be this hard. I got into the bed and just tried to fall asleep.

It took hours but I finally managed to fall asleep.

Next Morning

I woke up, not remembering that I fell asleep. I got up and my feet touched the cold wooden floor. I needed to go see Maddie, but first I needed my car. I'm not used to have to call a taxi, in New York you just go the streets. I called Klein Cabs. They said they would be there in 2 minutes. I just out a sweater on and put my hair in a messy bun. I didn't look up as I walked from my room to the door. I got into the taxi and told them to drive to Jason's address. I don't know how, but I remembered it. It didn't take long until I got there. I paid the man $5 and got into my rented vehicle.

I drove to the hospital. I walked in, not looking up at my surroundings. I went to the desk and asked to see Maddie Roberto. "Maddie in 504 right?" She asked. "Yes." I replied quietly. I slowly walked to her room. She laid there, lifelessly. I sat in the stool next to her. She hasn't moved since the last time I saw her. I wanted to stay here all day and watch over her. I couldn't stay long since I woke up late anyways. There's not much I can other than watch her. I just wanted her to get up and we can go to New York and I can give her a new life, so she can forget about everything and just live normally.

*Realizes it Sunday*


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