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You've now read 40 pages of me being adopted by a Broadway star, good job.

I ended up scooting closer to Lin. I let my head fall on his shoulder. I know I'm very bipolar, but all I know is, I want to stay happy with Lin for all of my life. My doctor told me when I checked in about 6 months ago, that I was experiencing this because of my parents death, since it left me in a lot of stress for such a long period. But, when I'm with Lin, I can only be happy. Lin is my infinite happiness. I felt as if I could never get hurt if I was with him. My eyes closed, my thoughts drifting away slowly. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

I began to wake up, I knew for a fact I wasn't out long. Lins arm was around me to keep me warm. I shifted slightly, causing his arm to twitch. His eyes were focused on the sky. The colder I got, the more I sunk into Lins warm sweater. It was grey, he wore it all the time. He had a very simple wardrobe, I don't think he has anything that is not blue or grey. My wardrobe consisted of white and black, basically no in between. "We should go home now." I mumbled into his sweater. "Alright." He smiled. I smiled as gracefully as ever.

This time I payed attention so I could go back when I needed to be alone, which is most of the time. I was delighted to see Tobi come to the door. Dogs really help with my anxiety. I let her climb all over me, she wasn't very heavy. I eventually got up. I went to my room and grabbed my journal. I wrote a stupid short story that had no thought, I just had a thought and put it on paper. I think my main problem of life is being by myself to much. I only ever interact with other humans if I'm at school. I'm very quiet, but not with my friends. Basically my friends hate me. I'm basically just really loud. I also basically too much.

I walked out of my room. I heard a familiar voice from the tv. Wait... Lin likes Brooklyn nine nine! I jumped on the couch beside him. "I love this show!" I almost shouted. Lin smiled at my enthusiasm. I missed it since Chelsy hated it, so even if I was watching it in my room she would freak out, I also hate wearing headphones for shows. I heard the door open. I looked over to see Vanessa. "Hey guys!" She smiled. I smiled back.

She went to go cook supper. Lin went to God knows where. I sat on the couch, continuing to watch the show. I didn't want to go to my room, I spend to much time in there. I looked over at Vanessa, she was so beautiful. I guess she was kind of my aunt, even though my uncle broke up with her, or the other way around, but she is kind of. The memories of her babysitting me came back. They were faint and blurry, but I still remember her face. She seemed to be making pork chops with caesar salad. Lin came out of his room. He went to go help Vanessa with the salad. I don't know what he did but it caused Vanessa to say, "No, no, no!". I laughed, how can you mess up caesar salad.

Lin messed up at least 5 times. It caused me to laugh every single time. We're going to have some crappy salad I assume. After 6 fails, we finally got supper. The salad was fine, sort of. The pork chops were amazing on the other hand. "Thank you guys." I thanked. "No problem." Vanessa replied. "I said thanks to you too Lin." I spoke. "Oh, no problem for the shitty salad." He replied. I laughed, almost choked on the pork chop in my mouth.

I finished first to I put my dishes away and cleaned the bowl with the caesar salad in it. I went to my laptop and decided to FaceTime Jason and Von.

I went to FaceTime them, they answered instantly. "Hey what's up!" Jason yelled. "Calm down!" Von yelled at the same pitch. "I'm doing great." I laughed. "How was supper?" Jason asked. "How did you know I had supper?" I asked back. "Lin tweeted about him failing." I laughed at the thought. "It was great." I answered. "Even Lins salad?" Von asked. I burst out laughing. "Yeah, even Lins salad." I managed to choke out. "How's everyone?" I asked. "They all died, every single one." Von replied. "Aw that's sad." I joked. "Akok got a girlfriend!" Jason yelled. "He's 11" I facepalmed. "Who is it?" I said again. "Peyton." Jason growled. "Bitch." Von muttered. We all hated Peyton, no reason, she's just popular, and you gotta hate popular people.

"Have you replaced us yet?" Von asked. "Maybe." I smirked. "Who is it?!" Jason flipped out. "I said maybe." I replied. "Tell me..." Jason begged. "Nope." I giggled. "Fine." He replied, clearly upset. "Don't be upsetti, have some spaghetti." I said. Von laughed. "Well, I'm going to talk to my other friends." I said, referring to Akok and Liam. "Is it the new one?!" Jason yelled. "No." I laughed.

The whole night was spent just talking to friends and catching up. I missed them, but I have to face the fact that I may not see them again. I guess I am going to be a lot like Lin, leaving behind friends. No, Lins not like that. His journal says that though... I really want that journal back. I'll get it back tonight, despite Lins protection over it.

Woo, extra long chapter. With the help of two ice caps and 3 teas, I've finally made it. Well I can't post it right away since I'm driving and we ain't got wifi. Also a quick thanks for everyone who said I was a amazing author after I said I wasn't, thanks for that. Also sorry for everyone who comments and I don't reply, I know how it feels, but I'm really bad at replying, so I'll just give shootouts because that's easier. Oh crap this is a long A/N

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