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As I push through the door of my school, a gust of cold air hits my face. I focus on my foot steps, listening to every single step they make. The sound of children playing annoyed me, I felt a sudden urge to got away from them, as I walked into the field, my foot steps made a loud crunching sound as they hit the dried leaves. No matter how far I went I could only hear children, I tried to focus on the crunch of leaves to no avail.

It sounds even more stupid that I read it. This is based off a day at school, I remember it clearer more than others, it was November 17, 2016. It was the day were Jason and Von weren't there, and I wasn't doing theatre at the time. I was lonely those days, and when I'm lonely, I can only listen. That day I basically just told a story in my head to keep me entertained. One thing that I have that many others don't, I have my own friend, that's always with me. My brain. I talk to myself to keep me from loneliness, it helps a lot. I have a hard time talking, or getting my thoughts out. I was going to go on anxiety pills, but my mom passed to quickly, and with her gone, we just couldn't afford it. I was a introvert way before anyone died, even as 2 year old, I would play by myself and talk to myself.

I looked over at Lin to see him watching my screen, he was reading it. I wanted to click out of it, but somewhere in my brain wanted him to read it. As soon as I saw him finish reading, I went back to write more, I guess my brain wanted to impress him. My hands wrote fast as they always did, knowing each letter and its place. I wrote my bus ride home, the feeling of loneliness to see Chelsy. The sounds of my open window that day. I can barely remember why I went into my room sometimes, but I can clearly remember some days, like this one.

I also remember January 17, 2014. That day meant nothing to me, but the feeling stuck with me for many years. It's been around 3 years now, I still remember each thing. It's the one thing I like to brag about, my random memory. I was so impressed by me. I loved those days, January 17, and November 17. I finally got to the end of that day, Lin staring at the screen. I didn't want to stare him right in the eyes, that's creepy, but I wanted to see him emotion, and I already know that the best way to see his emotion is through his eyes.

It didn't take him long to read the entire thing. "You didn't tell me you could write." He spoke. "That's not very easy to fit into a conversation." I replied. "How?" He asked. "Oh hey what's your name?" I pretended. "Oh my names Maddie and I can write." I said, causing Lin to laugh. I smiled at his laugh. This man is to much like me, it's weird. I realized that Brooklyn nine nine was the show playing on the tv. "Well, your writing beautiful." Lin complimented. I blushed, I always blush, even at the smallest compliment. I haven't gotten one in a while, Chelsy never complimented me.

I was bored on the couch, so I decided to go over everyone I hated. Carley, Lexus, Jersey, Adam, the list continues. I hated a lot of people for no reason, that's why I have my close friends, I never really expand my friend group. I hate those drama queens, and kings of course. Once Jason, Von and I were messing around and I said "Hey Jason, go hang out with the cool kids." I laughed, giving him a little nudge towards the 'Cool kids'. And then, around 4 minutes later they come waddling along and said "Don't call us cool,blah blah blah, you call us it too much, blah blah." And they got so mad. So now, we call them the gnarly boys, just to mess with them.

Yay, another chapter when I'm supposed to be doing home work

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