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I decided, every 10 chapters, I'll make it extra long! Probably around 1000 words, (the usual is 400-600)

June 11, 1998
Everything's over now. We have no homework and in class we usually just watch movies, just to pass the time. Me, Muriel and Colton were the only ones to show up, so we just talked. I was so glad to know that Muriel and Matt are over. Matt is over it and it's only been around 3 days. Muriel says that she's looking for a man who hasn't bullied their best friend. Muriel is the most loyal person.

June 12,1998
Me and some guys had a guys night out. I turned 18 in January so we all could go to the bar. Muriel wanted to tag along, but the guys said its a guy thing. I felt bad but I still went with them. I had fun, I guess. As soon as I got back, I crashed on the couch while watching Saturday night live.

June 15, 1998
Muriel came over today. We watched movies with some popcorn and pizza. We had plenty of days like this. We decided to skip class today, later I was told no one showed up so the teachers brought in some beer and all went to Mr.Mendenhall's house. Me and Muriel went to see her parents. Her parents loved me, ever since I was young.

June 16, 1998
Today I went to school while Muriel just stayed at my place. After school, I went to the mall, with all of the money I owned and rushed into the jewellery store. I looked around for a little, and found something I knew she would like. A beautiful gold necklace, with a opal centre. It was basically all of my money, but it was worth it. I bought it without thinking of the circumstances. I had to hide it so Muriel wouldn't see. I wanted to give her it at grad.

June 20, 1998
Grad is in 9 days. I have kept the necklace secret. It's hard since she is very curious. That's what I like about her. It was Saturday, so Muriel and I went to the hills far out. We climbed to the top. I brought some lunch so we stayed out for a while. The views of New York in the distance was amazing. Muriel was so quiet and I wanted to ask why but decided not to.

June 2-

I heard the door open. I grabbed the book and forced it under my pillow. I walked out and helped with the groceries. It took a while but we put it all away. I didn't want to say a word about the journal. I'll read it tonight. Vanessa and Lin sat at the table together. I was going to sit down but Tobi wanted to play.

Finally, Lin and Vanessa went to bed and I got to read. Tobi followed me into my room and jumped on my bed. I grabbed the journal from under my pillow and tried to find the page I was on. Once I finally found it, I read.

June 22, 1998
Grad is coming fast. I realized that I basically have no money and I mindlessly spent it all on pizza. I called my dad but he wouldn't give me any, but Muriel always had my back and payed for food and such. She asked why I lost all my money, so I tried to make up a lie. I said that I lost it all on a bet. Luckily she beloved me. I just need to hide it for a few more days

June 27,1998
I'm done.. Matt has now stolen MY journal. I just got it back today after he plastered everything everywhere! First he treats me badly, gets in a relationship with my best friend, takes my poem book and now this? How much can one person hate another? No one really cared but I did. There was only one that wasn't up on the wall, June 16th were I wrote about the necklace. He must of got jealous.

June 28, 1998
Grad is tomorrow. Muriel had to get me to come help choose her dress. She picked out my tux and I picked out her dress. Every other girl went crazy trying to choose the perfect dress, lucky for us, we didn't care to much. We had to choose a person to walk down the isle with, I obviously chose Muriel.

June 28, 1998, 12:38 am
I haven't slept yet, I'm to excited.

June 29, 1998
It's currently 6:00 am. I invited Muriel over for breakfast. I'm planning on giving her the necklace as soon as we get there, so she can show it off. I'm hoping I won't screw it up and forget it or something.

June 30, 1998
Muriel loved it! She wore it the whole time and showed it off to everyone. I can't believe she loved it so much. At least she has something to remember me by if she goes to Canada. Maybe ill visit her one day.  Schools over now, I can do whatever, until college. Me and a bunch of friends had a party at Max's house.

June 31, 1998
I got so loaded last night. I got a cab home. My head hurts like all hell. I don't know if Muriel got home. Hopefully she's safe. I'm pretty sure the cops came when someone filed a complaint. This is the reason why I don't go to parties, but this one was a end of the year party, I had to go.

July 1, 1998
Months fly by fast. I have all summer to write in my journal, I'm nearing the end. I have the whole year in here, that means there's at least 365 pages in this book. I still can't believe I'm done high school, no more homework, Matt and all of my secrets being plastered on the walls. I could finally be at peace

Hey, so I'm grounded, I just posted a little page about it, but I'll put it at the end of this. So I didn't clean my room and my mom snapped so I'm grounded until next Sunday. So I'll probably just sneak it and try to write. Cya.

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