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Maddie's good ol' POV

I heard my phone go off once again. It was from Jason.

Me and Olivia just planned a going away party! It's at 8:00 pm tonight at my place, can you make it?

Yeah I can! I'll ask Lin!

"Hey Lin!" I asked excitedly. "Yeah?" He asked. "Could you drive me to Jason's at 8:00 pm tonight? Him and Olivia planned me a party!" I said excitedly. "Of course." He kissed my forehead. I couldn't wait! I was usually the life of the party. Well more like me, Von and Jason were. We would rock out to the stupidest of songs and suggest bad music.

I forgot time skips were a thing again

It was 6:00 pm. I have just been talking to Lin for most of it. "We should go to the hotel now." Lin said as he checked his watch. "Alright, dad." I didn't mean to say dad! I felt really embarrassed, but he didn't even mind. Dad, yeah he suits that. I should just call him dad for now.

I couldn't wait to see Olivia, maybe she would be in a dress. She was so beautiful. I was so sad that I had to leave her and everyone behind, I wish I could bring them all with me. "Do you want me to stay at the hotel or come with you?" Li-dad asked. "You can come! Usually the parents are there since we're still young." I told him. I was confused of myself on how I could from being so sad because I have to leave but then go to super happy in a matter of seconds... I was very confused now.

I shook it off and just chose on sad, I haven't had that feeling since Lin came. I look up at Lin, I feel now that I could never call him dad. He's just not ready for that name yet. I'll just stick to Lin until I'm ready. I went inside and got ready. I grabbed my favourite thing to wear to a party. A bright pink tuxedo. I loved to make people laugh, it just seemed so right to make them laugh and smile. It's the one thing I could master. When I walked out of the bathroom Lin burst out laughing, just what I hoped.

I directed Lin to Jason house. I stepped out and instantly Olivia greeted me. She wore a black dress with a dark green ribbon around her waist. "Welcome!" She greeted, pulling me into a hug. I followed her inside and Lin followed me. I wasn't surprised to see Jason and Von wearing bright yellow tuxedos. "Oh my gosh you guys look amazing!" I laughed. "Same to you m'lady." Von tipped his bright yellow hat which made me burst into laughter. Lin went over to the other parents while me and my closest friends made our way to the back yard. It was warm this night, at least -2. Like I said, winter was nearing a end. I knew Jason had a hot tub so I work a bathing suit under my tux. When we opened the door I saw everyone in my group from school. Everyone welcomed me as I walked into the crowd. Since Jason had no neighbours they could listen to loud music and he even had a stone patch with some spot lights hanging over it! Jason was rich, but not spoiled. I was happy to see the snack bar open. I was greeted by my favourite snacks, which included salt and vinegar chips, Pepsi and everything else unhealthy. For some reason I wasn't feeling right so I didn't eat.

We did all of my favourite activities, singing, dancing and other stuff. I felt like if I died right now, I'd die a happy person

And that's when it happened..

Oh damn.
Don't blame me, blame the depressing music I'm listening too, it's effecting my writing

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