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I looked over at Lin, he watched me play. I stopped and got up and went to the living room. I stared at the roof for no apparent reason. I could still hear the sound of rain falling, it sounded harder now. I got up and hopped to my room, I looked outside to realize it was hailing now. I opened the window and put my hand out. A piece of ice landed in my hand, I watched it melt. I didn't like hail, it wasn't like rain. Hail hurts, rain is gentle.

I felt trapped in my room, I could easily go out, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to do anything, but yet I wanted to do everything. I sat on my bed, head hanging off the end. Tobi ran into my room through the open door. I smiled as she hopped onto my bed and licked my face. "Yes, girl I see you." I laughed. She laid next to me. "You're probably hungry." I spoke. She put up her head as soon as I said hungry. I smiled and got up to get her food. She ate it quickly, almost instantly it was gone. I picked up her water bowl and filled it up as well. I walked around the house, opened up every drawer, still nothing interesting. I kind of wanted adventure, I want to explore mountains, I don't know why I dream like this.

I couldn't help but think about Lins journal, sitting on that chair. He has to be the one that read it, I really don't think Vanessa would even bother. I couldn't grab it, even if he went to the washroom or something, it would be to obvious. I'm lucky to have a brain that thinks things out, most of the time. I took a deep breath in as I put my elbows on the counter and tucked my face into my hands. I let out a large sigh and kept my head there. I really wanted to do something, but I don't want to interrupt him, and if he wasn't doing anything, I would seem needy and needed to be entertained, but really it's because I would take out all of my energy messing around with my friends, and wasting my precious time at the theatre singing. See, I say I'm not good at singing, but I sing Hamilton a lot with my friends, but that's more like... Impersonating, it's like drawing a person with a base.

I heard Lin get up and start to walk out. My head was still placed in my hands. I lifted it, my vision was blurry, but came together quickly. I smiled at Lin for no reason. I smiled at basically anyone, for me it's kind of a sign of respect. My eyes felt weird from them being in my hands for such a long period of time. I slowly walked to my room, Lin stood at the counter, he quickly looked at me as he saw me approaching my room. "Why do you always go to your room?" He asked, with a concerned look on his face. "I- I really have no idea." I replied honestly. "Well, I would love it if you could just, stay out with me..." He replied, looking away. I obviously turned around and sat in a chair. "Just to let you know, I love listening to you play piano." I said, to somewhat break the silence. "You're pretty good yourself." He smiled. "Well, I haven't had years of experience, but I think I'm pretty good." I smiled as well. "Hey, the rain just stopped, do you maybe wanna go for a walk?" Lin asked. "You read my mind." I smiled a huge smile.

Asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm! This has 5k views! 5,000!!!! I'm so happy! I know I may not post a lot, but I've had other problems, I guess. Science is still hard, but now that our term is finally over and I can start new, I feel like a lot of weight has been lifted off my shoulders, also, since I was complimented by my teacher about my writing, it really made me want to write more. Okay that was long... I'll leave

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