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Quick note, we got second in the tournament!

Maddie's POV

I examined the whole place. I felt bad for not talking, but Lin could probably entertain himself. I haven't been here in a while. I heard a familiar tune being hummed. Without thinking, I hummed it as well. I didn't even realize it stopped. I hummed until the end and smiled.

I couldn't help but think about all the times I would go here with my friends. I remember when we would walk to the swimming pool in the middle of summer and have way to much fun. I loved it here. I grew up here. I laughed at my thoughts. I didn't noticed I laughed until later. I saw Lin trying to hold in a laugh. That made me want to laugh as well. I would burst I laughing if we weren't in a public place.

I decided to brake this weird awkward silence. "You know, I can't wait to leave this place, I'm tired of everyone pitying me.". I didn't want to seem like I didn't like this place, but I was really tired of the constant, 'How are you?' Or if I 'Need help' because I am fine. I am fine. "I still am really going to miss this place." I said as I looked around. I admired the simplicity of this city. No tall building, no 'bad streets'. It's pretty chill. "Honestly, I am going to as well. It's so easy to get around here." He replied. I was surprised, since he's only been here for a few days. "It's pretty nice." I replied. I looked at him since I haven't in a while. "When was the last time you came here?" He asked. I thought for a second. "Uh, about 2 years." I answered unsurely. "Oh wow." Lin muttered. I don't know what he expected. I don't get a beautiful experience when I got Chelsy as my foster mom. I wonder what she's thinking, I don't think anyone told her I got adopted. She's probably dancing.

I saw our food coming. I could finally see what Lin ordered. He ordered the same as me. I smiled. He smiled with me. I dug into my food like I haven't ate in days (well technically they didn't, but we can pretend ). Lin ate very slowly I realized. In my family, we ate very fast. No idea why. There was nothing special about this meal, but it tasted a lot better than any other time I ate here. I was half finished and Lin had barely started. I started to eat slower, just so I wouldn't have to wait as long when I finished.

I still somehow finished way before Lin did. I wanted to take out my phone and text Jason, but that would seem rude. I looked at the tv right behind lin. Just sports. I looked at another tv. Still sports. Guess what was on the other tv, more damn sports. I don't know who wants to eat and watch sports. It felt like forever but Lin finally finished. "Do you want to get dessert?" He asked. "No." I said almost immediately. "I'm pretty tired." I tried to cover the fact that I wanted to leave and not wait 3 hours for someone to eat.

Oh god I was so mean... But I do hate people who eat slow.

At least you guys finally get a real chapter

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