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I was reading like no tomorrow, not noticing Lin, at the door, staring. My heart pounded as I looked up to see him. I couldn't turn back now, he's already seen. Why do I make such bad first impressions. If I keep doing stuff like this I'm going to end up back with Chelsy. "U-uh..." I stuttered as I took out my headphones, not bothering to turn off the music. He had that disappointed dad look on his face. My dad had that a lot. I slowly closed it laid it gently as if it was a gun and I was being caught by the police, which was basically what was happening. He left the door way, clearly upset. It was his diary, of course he doesn't like anyone calling it that, but that is what it is. I'm pretty sure he was as angry as Lin could get.
(I added it Wolfiary, I'm proud.)
I felt bad, almost to the point where I wanted to cry. I don't know why I read it even. I guess my curiosity took over. I heard Lins door close, surprising, he shut it very lightly, like he didn't want me to know that he went in there. I softly got up with the journal and carefully placed it in its original spot. My cover was broken when Tobi came up to me, wanted attention. I called her into my room. I left the door open, to somewhat tell Lin that I wasn't reading his journal. Tobi jumped onto the bed. I pat her lightly on the head. She climbed on my stomach, causing me to somewhat jolt up. She laid over my stomach, as if I was a bed.

She laid like this for such a long time. I couldn't get up to go grab my laptop, my phone had to do. I decided to text Olivia, I missed her.

Ello friend

Why hello pal

What are you doing this fine afternoon

I shall be messing around with Jason and Von soon, we are sneaking into 50 shades darker

That isn't such a good idea

That's why we're doing it

Fair enough.

Tell Von that he better say bye to his childhood, also tell Jason why his search history in YouTube was 'How to breed rabbits' I saw it once and I question it.

I think you should ask him that

Yeah, that seems better for everyone

I silently laughed at my texts.

My brain died of curiosity, wondering what Lin wrote next in his journal. I was almost done the thing, I assume he did it until the end of the year and then some. Tobi had gotten off of me, which meant I finally had freedom. I got up and made some toast, all of Lins talk about toast made me want it for some strange reason. I took out the bread and the toaster, which I struggled to find. I plugged in the toaster and plopped in the bread. I took out the butter to prepare. I sat there and drummed my finger.

And of course I get jump scared by toast.

⬆️ that happens every time I make toast.

Any of you guys happy about 2 chapters in one night.

Random fact: I post these at night for two reasons

1. It's when I write
2. I know half of you guys read these in the middle of the night.

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