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Maddie POV, right from when she woke up

I felt like I just woke up after a nap. I started to panic, I was t in my bed or the hotel, where's Lin? I rose up in my seat. I looked around and it took me a second to realize I was in the hospital. I hit the nurse button beside me so I could get some answers. It took a while but a familiar face walked in.

"Nurse Hess!" I said excitedly. She has been a friend of my mother and family for years. "Maddie! You're awake!" She hugged me. "How long have I been out?" I asked. "About 2 days, sweetheart." She answered. "Wow." I replied.

I looked at my hand to see writing on it, it read: hey Maddie, if you're reading this than you're okay! We love you and miss you! ~Von and Jason just checking in. They must of visited me. "So, you obviously didn't get any memory loss if you can remember me, but we still need you to do a test." Nurse Hess explained. "Also before all of that, I heard you got adopted!" She smiled. "Yeah I did!" I replied. Now I only wanted to see Lin. "So do you want to call them?" She asked. "Uh, the hospital should, it feels more professional." I replied.

"So who adopted you?" Hess asked. "Lin-Manuel Miranda." I responded, proudly. "Really?!" She replied surprised. "Yeah!" I smiled. "You know, a lot of people will miss you." She spoke. "And I'll miss them just as much." I replied. Lin opened the door in the middle of our conversation. "Hello Mr.Miranda." Hess said to Lin. I smiled, I defiantly missed him. "Well I'll see you later, bye Maddie, I will miss seeing you here." She waved goodbye and smiled. "I'm sorry!" Lin yelled as he hugged me. "Don't act like its your fault." I spoke quietly. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Good as ever." I smiled. "So can we leave or do you you have to stay longer. Because I was hoping tomorrow we could head out." Lin spoke way too quickly, but I got it. "Ms.Hess said I could just go check at the front desk and they'll just do a quick test." I explained. "Ms.Hess" he questioned. "Oh that's the nurse, she's been a family friend for years." I explained once again and got up.

We walked up to the front desk. I was happy to see Ms.Hess. "Ok are you ready?" She asked. I nodded my head and we started to walk into the room. I was inside when she said something to Lin, whatever she said it caused Lin to walk in. That made me feel better since I'm bad with questions.

"Okay Maddie, do you know where you live?" She asked. "Yes, 154 Clarion street." I answered. "Great!" Hess smiled. "Okay Maddie, what's your last name?" She asked once again. It took a second but i answered "Miranda." I answered calmly. I could feel Lin looking at me, but I didn't look at him, too avoid awkwardness. "Amazing." Ms.Hess replied. "How old are you?" She asked. "11."

She kept asking these questions for about 8 minutes. "Well that's all for today!" She finished. "Bye Ariel!" I hugged her, calling her by her first name. "Aww, bye Maddie.' She spoke softly. We all walked out and I followed Lin out the door. Once we got in I put on my seatbelt. I remembered all of my dreams I had. "There is so much I have to tell you!" I squealed, wanting to tell him all about my dreams. He laughed. "What?" He replied."Well I was having dreams in my coma and it was so cool!" I was super excited. "You're the only person I know who can make a coma sound fun." He giggled.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

I couldn't stop thinking about this book all day ^-^

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