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My thoughts took over my brain before I could deny. I couldn't stop thinking of all my close friends, how they are handling this. I was somewhat, the axel to the bike wheel, I held it together. They don't really hang out without me. I just couldn't help but think about all their new friends they made by now, how I'm slowly being replaced. I heard Vanessa and Lin laughing, now I feel like I just missed out on something. He treats me like I've been his daughter forever, why can't I treat him like he's been my father forever?

I got up and rubbed my face. My eyes felt heavy, I yawned from exhaustion. I walked out of my room to see Vanessa and Lin sitting at the table, I could see pots and pans on the stove. I awkwardly backed up and went back to my room, that's enough social interaction for me. I already have made my room my safe place, I haven't even been here for over a week. I just feel the urge to sleep forever, never leave this bed. I got up and took my pills really quick, I know I'm going to fall asleep.

I had slept the entire night. I assume it's my body making up for days where I would just stay up and stare at the roof. I don't know what time it is but I'll just take Tobi for a walk. My body felt gross and oily, but I can get over that. I put my messy, also oily hair, into a quick bun. I slowly crept out of my room and made my way to Lins room where Tobi was sleeping peacefully near his door. She jolted up at the sight of me. She followed me to the door and grabbed her leash. I clipped it onto her collar and we made our way downstairs. It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining brightly as it rose. I felt gross, but the beautiful day made me feel more alive than usual. I try to start my days with happy thoughts, even if they go away by the afternoon.

It wasn't long until I got to the dog park. There were many other people walking their dogs quickly before they went to work, I assume. I waddled around awkwardly, barely putting my head up. Where the dog park is, the sun barely shines on it in the morning, so I got very cold there. "Come on, Tobi.." I whispered. After a bit, I started to walk back home. The walk back home was pretty peaceful, if I could drain out the sound. I really want to be back home where at least if I went for a walk, I could be alone with my thoughts.

I rant a lot, it's probably not my best trait. I love ranting in my head, it keeps my opinions to myself, and I have many. The walk was short, I made my way back in what felt like just a few short minutes. I speed walked over to the elevator and when to floor 5. As the doors opened,I made my way to the apartment. I slowly creaked the door open and let go of Tobi. It was still inside, no movement. I let out a loud, deep sigh as I walked to my room. My room felt dry, it hurt to breath in. I opened the window and took a deep breath of fresh air. The air was cold on my hands as I looked out. The sun blinded me in the corner of my eye as I stared at he distant buildings. The air smelled like pollution and fresh trees mixed, it was odd. I coughed roughly from the dryness of my room. I think I might just relax today, just do relaxed things.

Yo yo waddup, miss me? Ok whatevs .3. I hope you had a horrific time reading this disgrace

Whee little edit here, WE HIT 6K BBY. FIGHT ME HATERS. So here's also a bonus story, an author came in and started talking about random crap, and the hole time I wanted to yell "I BET MORE PEOPLE HAVE READ MY BOOK" the entire time .3.

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