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"Friends don't raise you, they teach you..." Lin repeated as I walked back to my alone room. I had to get that off my chest, Lin listened, unlike most people in my life, even Jason didn't listen. Tobi woke up and was happier than ever. "Nice to know that you're happy." I half smiled as I pet the dog. She jumped off and ran off into the kitchen. I felt drowsy, hopefully just the medication. I didn't bother checking my laptop nor my iPhone. Speaking of my phone, I need to soothe my nerves. Music time.

The soft piano made my chest lower, it always feel inflated with air. My stomach growled as it begged for food. I didn't listen, I stayed there and listened to the sweet music. I got a text, I checked it. Brooklyn. "Not now.." I spoke quietly to myself. Right now is my alone time, music is perfect company. The depressing music somehow soothed me more than soothing music. Even though I may seem like a stone block, I have emotions, and the sounds of the song constantly saying 'Speak to me.' Made me shed a tear. I barely cried when a family member died, but now, I cry at any moment, like when Lin came to Canada. Oh wow, when Lin came to Canada, that felt like years ago.

"And as far as we go. And as far we go, and how little we know." The song sang, I sang lightly with it. I let me brain and mouth take over, which is never a good idea. Without knowing, I raised my voice and I was singing louder than the music, making my voice audible to Lin. I instantly shut up and just continue listening. 'Idiot, thinking you can be more than Lins daughter, what talent do you have other than copying your father.' My thoughts strangled me. It's right for sure, my only talent is copying his voice, which seems little to know what he can do, freestyle rapping, that's amazing. Well I'm over here, can barely hit a low note.

Before I knew it, the sun was up, the world awakened. Lin, doing this morning routine, lucky charms and Twitter. I had a brisk shower, I felt like crap anyways. Just to make me feel bad, I played the thought of me getting mad at Lin for no reason. I didn't know what took over, maybe he medication just causes mood swings? I'll have to check. The sameness soon turned cold as I stepped out of the shower, making me shiver. I got dressed into the same crap I had on last time.

I walked into the kitchen, I saw Lin sitting at the island. I could tell by the eyes he was hurt, it took my brain a second to comprehend, but I understood quickly. "But Lin, have I the label 'Lins Daughter' is a amazing roll." I smiled, hoping to make him feel better. He sighed from relief, "I can be honest with you Maddie, right?" He spoke. "Yeah?" I replied, confused. "I thought you didn't want to be apart of me life, as if you were insulted that I took you back." He explained quietly. "I can be honest with you too, this has actually been my dreams for a while now, being adopted by a idol." I sighed as well. "A idol?" Lin questioned. I smiled "My idol.". Lin finally smiled back. "I've been waiting to see that smile." I laughed. "Just look in a mirror." He laughed with me. "I'm not the prettiest thing to look at." I smiled, looking at ground, cringing at what I just said, this was the attention hog in me coming out.

Oo, yay, two chapters in one day. Is that good or bad?

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