Celebration time

478 13 20

We got to 700!

That's way to much

Calm the hell down


Like I know you guys like Lin and all

But 700

To many

Calm down

Ok enough of that! So I still see my old supporters *cough cough HamiltonHipster cough* and *cough Wolfiary cough* and some new! I'm used to getting like 0.5 views, but I have broken my record! I'm surprised that this, out of everything else I ever tried to write, got the most views.

I was literally just really bored on a Thursday and decided to write my day dreams of being adopted by Lin. Then I wrote 3 chapters and fell asleep. I woke up and checked that it had 3 views and freaked out and was all like "OH MER GERD ONE PERSON READ IT". So i went to school and came back to see 15 and then literally screamed. So I stayed up til 5 am just writing. Yep, that's my sad life

And here I am, still writing, because I have no life at all.

Also a quick note before I leave, you all know the loveable character 'Olivia' and how me and her have a relationship, yeah about that, I'm as straight as a line...

So anyways, I hope I made you excited thinking there was a new chapter..

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now