The Ending Of Distant Father

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So you guys all know that I ended the book, so I thought I would just give you the overall ending so you don't have to think about how it ends.

After spending some time in Maddie's home town, Lin decides it would be a great place to live . The community is small and caring, it's beautiful and clean and there is basically no crime. Lin told maddie when they went to get tea in a small café called the Steaming Cup. Maddie cries from happiness and yada yada.

Her mental illness on the other hand, has now gotten worse, it's harder to keep controlled and her emotions go everywhere. Since she can't keep them under control, she cannot go back into school and her friends are becoming distant. Her emotions are somewhat opposite, so instead of feeling sad about all of it, she feels extremely happy and is never down. When walking down the streets of her town, she starts feeling the feelings she wants too. She starts feeling sad, very sad, to the point she just walks away from everything. She walks through fields and fields of nothingness. If she's going to be a insane monster that no one can control, why does she even decide to stay? She starts thinking than Lin doesn't love her and everyone hates her. (Since mood swings and crap). She can't turn back now, she's kilometres away from her home. She sits down on the dirt of a farm and just lays. Déjà vu rushes over her. She remembers sitting in a field with Lin and getting warmth from his sweater. She begins to remember the short time she had with Lin. Every time he smiled, every time he had forgiven. She shuts her eyes, emerging herself into the memories, wanting to live them once more. And then boom, the magic of Fanfiction happens she runs inside her house and hugs Lin, crying in his chest. She quietly whispers "I love you, dad" into his sweater

Okie bye

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