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I had to wait outside until the bell rang. My friends didn't show up until later. I walked around I hummed a tune. I didn't realize how tired I was. Also I had gym to start the day with. I groaned at that thought. I despised gym, but I loved band. I play my all mighty Tenor Saxophone. I laughed at my thought, the worst thing you can do as a human. Then I laughed at that one. I tried to wipe away my smile so I didn't look crazy. People stared, they must of saw me laughing. Why do I do this to myself. I heard the bell ring and I slowly headed to the door.

Everybody pushed to get out and put their shoes away. I managed to kick my shoes off and run out. I saw my music teacher setting up for the other class's music. I felt jealous. I put my junk away and went to my home class for announcements. I sat in my seat next to the nicest girl in the whole class. We both quietly read a book while everyone was chatting away. I called "Here!" When my teacher called me. After everyone else got called I got my gym strip and went to the gymnasium. I saw my friends in the hallways getting ready for music. I waved and continued walking. I changed quickly and walked out of the crowded changing room.

Of course we're doing my least favourite sport, volleyball. I have nothing against it, I just hate it. I  tried my best but failed. For the last little while, my teachers have been going easy on me since my parents passed. It was basically a 'I'm too sick to do gym' pass. I didn't want to fail gym though, so I had to do it every once in a while. Gym sucked, but what sucked more was math. I changed into my normal clothes quickly once again and ran out of he changing room. I sat down and we had to do 45 questions that had 3 parts in one hour. They were easy, but I'm just lazy. When she said we could work in partners my whole my class was ruined from people chatting about nothing important. I just went into dream land.

In dream land, mom is still alive, dad is still alive, grandparents are still alive, dog is still alive. Everyone I once loved was alive. I pretended to do work but I was actually doodling all over my page. I put lyrics from multiple Hamilton songs and added little doodles with them. I wrote whatever I thought. I jumped when I heard the recess bell go off, finally. I quickly got rid of all my math crap and got my stuff on before little kids took over the boot room and hallway. I walked to the other side of the school where my friends would come out. I waited impatiently. Finally Jason came out with his friend and my friend Von. I smiled and we walked into the field doing what every 11 year old does, stupid stuff. We yelled lyrics to hamilton, had snowball fights and such.

Luckily after this we had literacy groups together, which was basically writing, reading and listening to music but with all of grade 6 mixed up. We went inside and i met with my 2 friends in my class and we sat close together. I was trying to pay attention to instructions but my mind dosed off into a new daydream. I was adopted by my favourite person, Lin. I laughed in my mind. How could that ever happen? He doesn't even know who I am. And he had a loving family. That he loves, and he loved them...

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by someone calling my name. It was my teacher. "Maddie?" She said. This caused everyone to laugh, making me a tomato. "I was going to say that you could choose whether to read with partners or write a short story with a group of three but you clearly dosed off in instructions so I'll ask someone else." I grunted.

We got to do short stories with a group of three. Me, Jason and Von got to work. We finished first of course. We just made a bunch of garbage short stories and we chose one.

Nothing really happened after that, like I said it was going to be a long Friday.

I wrote this very quickly..

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now