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Lins POV (basically from the start... So this is going to be a longer chapter or be split into 2) (oh and a little side note Sebastian isn't in this, no idea why, it's just hard, not rly actually)

I woke up at 8:49 am. My wife was still sleeping next to me like every morning. I slowly got up and instantly went on my phone. I had a message from my friend from about 4 minutes ago.

Hey you remember that Canadian girl from like 11 years ago?

Uh, yeah sort of. Why?

Well like a year ago her whole family just wiped out.

In just a year, her parents died, than she was diagnosed with cancer, then she died, then her husband killed himself, then her sisters died, then her brothers. All is left is your daughter..

Wait she actually kept the child?

Yeah of course she did!

Oh wow.

Sad right..

She's adopted right?

She just has a bad foster home.

Where does she live?


I know that, but where?

(Bruh if you think I'm giving out where I live.)

What's her full name?

Madison Roberto

I gotta go


I had to do something to save that kid. I couldn't leave this poor kid. Her whole family is dead, and she has no one.

I waited for Vanessa to wake up. I had to talk to her about it. She woke up and walked out of our room. She must of realized how out of place I was. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Well uh," I went over everything. I already told her about Rachel, Madison's mother, she didn't care to much. "But the thing is, I have to save her, her whole family's dead!" I finished. Vanessa looked at me like I was crazy, and I was. I've never met this girl in my life, but I felt like I needed to protect her, as her dad.

"L-Lin, you're not serious are you?" She stuttered. My neutral face went to a small frown. I really wanted her to agree. "Yes Vanessa, I am 100% serious." I replied. "Well, I-i guess?" She questioned more than answered. "But Hun, if you adopt this kid, I still want to have a child with you." She said. "Of course." I kissed her cheek.

I went to booking a plane right for tomorrow. I really wanted to meet her. I looked her up on Facebook and too my luck, her profile showed up. I don't know how, but I could just tell it was her. I looked at all her pictures. She didn't post much now, which I could understand. But in her old posts she was smiling and being a happy person. We had the same smile, the same smile that could light up a entire room. She had so many videos of her doing random things. One that caught my eye is just a video that says 'Practice.' I obviously watched it

It was of her singing, she was singing Right Hand Man from Hamilton with her friends. Her friends were pretty good but she-she sounded just like me? It was weird. It was like hearing me in a video. She was really good as well. I saw that she was smiling in this. She seemed very happy for a kid who lost their entire family. What's sad is that her moms sister was my best friend since I was little. Their parents broke up and she went with her dad to New York and we became fast friends, and she's the who got me and Rachel to hang out for one night and completely forget about it.

I decided to split it up into 2 parts, maybe 3, because you guys just want them chapters. Also, I know I said this is based off of day dreams and real life, but let me just say, my last name is not Roberto, I wish, but no. Also I can't sing

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