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I grabbed my phone and just texted Jason, just to make him think I'm just thinking of him. Same with Von. I waited for a response, which might take awhile, it's a school day. While I was grabbing my phone, I took my pills, this time with water. Lin was in the book room, playing piano. I decided to just relax for once in a while. I took my book to my room and went into the bathroom. In my bathroom I had a tub-shower, so I got some candles and l placed them all around the bathroom and started to fill the tub. While the tub was filling I lit the candles and stripped my clothes. I grabbed and towel and used it as a pillow. I got my book and closed the bathroom door.

I usually wouldn't trust myself with a book near water, but i just want to relax and let go. It's been stressful, I literally just moved miles away from somewhere I lived my whole life. While I was reading, a random flashback popped in my head. We're going on a road trip, I think soon! Ok now I can't have a bath. I got up and put on my same clothes and drained the tub. I put out all the candles and rushed towards the book room. Lin was sitting at the piano on his phone, like always. "Lin?" I said, getting his attention. He looked back at me. "When are we going on the road trip?" I asked, desperately. "Oh I didn't tell you?" Lin questioned. "We are going next week." He finished. My body filled with excitement. I smiled and walked out of the room, Lin continued to his tweeting.

Honestly, today was a uneventful day, some days I really need to do something, on others I don't. I made myself a PB&J for lunch, just something simple. I also decided to clean my room, in the short amount of time I've been here, I've messed up my room so much. I cleaned up all the clothes and put away all the cups. I also grabbed one of the many candles in my room and placed it on my nightstand. I grabbed my journal and put it on the nightstand as well, moving it from its last home on the floor almost under the bed. I stared at my hard work and opened the window. A light breeze hit my face, it was warm and smelled like spring. I noise made the whole experience tumble, I hated the sounds of cars honking and people talking, but I do like some loud noises, only a few. I heard my phone vibrate, I picked it up quickly. It was once again Brooklyn. One thing that is very known among friends (cough cough this is for you wolfi cough) is that I don't reply, I read it but I don't reply. It's not that I'm uninterested in the conversation, but I don't have the talking skills.

I placed my phone on my bed and then went back to the window. At this point, the sun was setting. It looked beautiful, the way the colours mixed together to form more beautiful ones. I wish I could stare at it longer, but at this point my eyes were burning. I loved it here, but the memories of my friends and I going out for ice cream after school and having water fights at the beach made me feel homesick.

I heard the door open from outside my room. It must be Vanessa, she usually gets home at this hour. I was laying on my bed, thinking of how I'm missing the green field, all of our trees growing such beautiful and full leaves. I miss getting all the attention in the world. I mean, I could just go out there with Lin and fulfill that need, but I haven't really warmed up to him, I've been with my friends for years. I really wish I could go back, well at least know if I could ever go back.

Miss me? I didn't. Okay so, a lot of my chapters are going to be delayed, I don't know you guys mind, I mean a lot of you guys read other adopted by our lord and saviour Lin, so I think you guys are fine

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