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The next few days were such a blur, nothing to interesting happened. Before I knew it, it was the day before we left for the road trip. Sadly, Vanessa couldn't come, so it would be just Lin, Tobi and I. I could barely contain myself, I just loved car trips. Lin wouldn't budge about where we're going, he kept on saying was a surprise. We got everything ready for the trip, I at least checked 6 times to make sure I had everything.

"Okay, do you want a hint on where we're going?" Lin asked. "Yes!" I replied, excited."it will take 2 days."He smiled. I smiled widely. I carried Tobi to the vehicle. I instantly brought out my blanket and made myself as comfortable as I could possibly be. "2 days." I whispered excitedly as I smiled to myself. I don't talk much on car rides, I love to look out windows. My brain slowly started to comprehend something, we're in New York... It's going to take 5 hours just to leave! I grunted silently, I have to stare at the same thing until we can move!

As soon as we hit the highway I was excited. I store out the window and saw the long fields that seem to stretch for miles. I glanced at Lin, he was dead focused on the road. I didn't have much to entertain myself, so I was left with my thoughts. I tried to imagine the impossible scenarios like I used too, but they have already happened, my idol saving me. My life seemed like a impossible daydream I always have. Sometimes I have to think twice about my current state. I now had a family again, people I can love, people I can talk too. I enjoyed every second with them. As Maddie Paige Miranda,-

My thoughts were cut off by the sweet sound of the radio turning on. The music ringed in my ears as I looked out the window. Cars passed us and we passed cars. This drive would feel like a century. My brain tried to think where we were going, but I couldn't think of anywhere. I watched the signs as they told me cities I've never heard of. At least I can get to know the area a bit.

Before I knew it, the sun was setting and the clouds were a gorgeous purple. I felt the air conditioning hit my feet. Tobi was cuddled at my side. I writing a short story on my laptop. I was under my blanket with my tuque on. Even though spring is just about over and summer is going to be rolling around soon, I still bring a thick jacket and my tuque. I took a deep breath in, the car smelled of dry air and dog hair. We were passing through a city, it wasn't as busy as most. The city lights burned my eyes, which were now used to the darkness of night. I adjusted my blanket, but as soon as I opened it to let some fresh air into it, Tobi dodged right under it. "Aren't you hot enough?" I giggled. She laid on my lap under the blanket. Since that's were my laptop sits, I had to put it down.

I watched people cross the streets, mostly just drunk teenagers. We stopped at a gas station nearby. I took tobi for a walk while Lin filled up the car and went to the restroom. We traded positions and I went inside. The bathrooms were filthy, which was to be expected. I went out quick and made sure I washed my hands well, I have no idea what was on that toilet paper, but now my hands are white-ish. I walked out, disgusted.

I went back to the car and got comfortable again. "When are we stopping for the night?" I asked. "In 56 miles." Lin replied, tiredly. "Um, what's that in kilometres?" I asked once again. "No idea." He smiled. I leaned back and stared at the stars, they were so clear on the highway. I don't think I blinked. I sometimes just wish, to be all alone, in a field. No thoughts going through my head, no distractions. Nobody in the world that can hurt me-

A scream escaped my lips.

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now