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My ideas failed to go onto paper, so I just gave up. I wish I could be more like Lin, his ideas just flood onto the paper, like magic. I looked up to him more than my father that actually cared for me every since I was born. Lin had a certain impact on me that I couldn't explain. My room was getting to warm for me, so I went to the window. I saw the sunrise and I couldn't look away. I opened the window slowly, not moving my eyes. I get amazed by just the littlest of things. I had to look away every once and a while but I just couldn't stop looking.

The sun was behind a building, but it was still beautiful. I was so focused on the cars driving at the bottom of the apartment. We were pretty high up, so the cars looked tiny. I watched them struggle to get to work. It amused me, in a weird way. I heard the sounds of horns honking, the sound of people talking in their weird Bluetooth things, since they had to basically yell. I focused on one person at a time. For some reason, I felt as if everyone was blurry, I think I need glasses. I haven't had my eyes checked in what seems to be forever. I'll talk to Lin about it.

I somehow entertained myself until Lin woke up. I realized that I really didn't want waffles, whatever. I can always lie and said I ate. Lin would probably be the most confused, since either me or Vanessa could of made them. I desperately wanted to go for a walk, but it was way to early. I sat on my bed on my laptop. Of course I got a notification of Lins "Good Morning!" Tweet. I haven't been on there in a while, I guess it's because I know what he's doing anyways. I just realized, Lin hasn't said anything about me, I get why, but it's kind of weird that I could be famous, if paparazzi find us. I wonder if Lin get recognized a lot..

I continued to ask myself random questions that I couldn't answer. Like, what if I got to meet my other idols, which is basically the rest of the original cast of Hamilton. I love all of them. I couldn't stop humming 96000 from In The Heights, it was just implanted in my mind. I've said before hat I'll listen to anything, anything with Lin Manuel Miranda in the title, that's still pretty true, he is more of a father than a idol now. I still look up to him, he basically raised me since my parents died. Feeling sad? Hamilton. Feeling lonely? Lin's vines (because they're funny as shit). Feeling normal? Watch every single interview with Lin anyways. I knew almost everything, I could name his height without delay. It's 1.75 meters, or 5'8. I'm actually almost as tall as him, I'm 5'7, still growing. I'm a freaking giant, I'm over the average height, while still being 11.

Goddamn, I'm realizing that Lins just short.

It's 11:00, I have school tomorrow... Ugh.
(Update: I fell asleep in class when he teacher was reading to us)

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now