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I'm pretty sure Lin was confused on why my phone was blowing up. I checked it to see what they were doing. Most of them just questions on who was coming. They can figure that out. When we finally arrived I hopped out and got my theatre keys out of my pocket.
Keep calm little ones, don't want to freak out the new one.

Oh god Maddie...



I laughed and put my phone in my pocket. I got In through the back, everyone else had keys. I walked in but we went in through the back. To my surprise they were actually set up and quiet. Everyone stared, mostly at Lin. He followed me up to the stage. "If you want you can sit where every!" I told him and ran up to my piers.
"Uh, Maddie, you don't jUST BARGE IN HER-" Kayden began to yelled. "I said to keep calm!" I yelled back. We ended up both laughing.
I began to tell everyone what we're doing. "Okay we're doing My Shot, everyone got that?" I somewhat yelled so everyone could here me. Everyone nodded. "Quire are you ready?" I turned behind me. They all nodded. So I played Hamilton since I could imitate his voice to perfection, Jason was burr, Von was Lafayette and mulligan was another close friend of mine, Akok, and John Laurens was Liam.
I began to tap my toe on the ground, that's what counted the band in.
I began to sing my parts perfectly into the microphone. I looked to see if everyone was good. I sang the swears without hesitation since I didn't care.

Everyone did their part perfectly. I smiled. (Oh god it's hard to listen to Hamilton and do this..)
My favourite part came on, basically us yelling "WOOOAHH" which we loved to do.
Laurens did his part. Which led me to my little part as well.
"For the first time I'm thinking past tomorrow!" I tried not to yell directly into the mic. For the whole time I wasn't looking at Lin. I gave a quick glance. His jaw was dropped and his eyes were wide.
It's unbelievable on what tiny tot 6th graders can do.

After we finished we heard Lin clapping. We all burst out laughing. One of my close friends, Olivia tackled me to the floor. I've had a crush on her for ages. "what the hec-" I started to say. "Don't ever surprise me! I almost had a heart attack when you came in with Lin!" She interrupted. That led to many other questions. Most of them asked why Lin was here. I saw Lin in the middle of the sets of comfy chairs. If it was awkward for me to say it in from of my two closest friends, than its going to be sooo awkward to say it in front of 'just friends'. Maybe I'll just tell my close friends.

"Alright guys that a wrap!" I yelled. Everyone started to clean. I called over my close friends and we went to a little room where the stairs to downstairs is. "So, Lin is adopting me.. I'll be moving to New York with him.." I spoke quietly. "Oh Maddie that's amazing!" Olivia said and pulled me into a hug. "B-but I'll never see you maybe ever again." I stuttered. "We can just call eachother. Maddie you needed a loving parent. Lin will provide the love you need." Olivia said. I smiled. It sounded like everyone left. Me and my closest friends walked out. Lin was on stage looking around. "Oh there you are!" Lin said as I walked out. I smiled. I've never smiled so much in a long time. Like really smiled. I slowly walked beside him. "Maddie, we will miss you... Every single one of us." Olivia spoke. She kissed me on the cheek and left.

I held my cheek. That was a amazing note to end on. Lin stared, confused.

Okay now it's 5:24 am..

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now