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I drifted off for maybe 30 minutes. I heard the sound of a door. Tobi jolted up and sprinted to see who it was. I wanted to see who it was but I was so comfy. I just grabbed my laptop and put one ear phone in. I played a random video in trending. I heard pots banging in the kitchen. I still didn't want to get up.

I decided I'll have a shower. I went into my bathroom and did all the normal things you would do in a shower, like sit down and try to figure out how to turn it on. When I finally found out how to work it, I had a short shower. For some reason, I think best in the shower. I kept on thinking about Brooklyn, that big bruise on the side of her cheek, those are the kids that deserve to be adopted by someone as good as Lin.

I realized that I've been in the shower for way to long now. I got out to feel the freezing cold air around me. I got into warm but kind of stylish clothes. I get cold really easy. I went out to smell pancakes. Lin was up, Tobi by his side. "Morning!" I greeted. "Morning." He smiled. I sat at the island. I couldn't help but stare at Lin,flipping pancakes. Luckily he wasn't facing me anyways, the stove was facing the island, so he has to look the other way.

I got up and grabbed my phone and came right back out. I went onto the internets. I scrolled down on YouTube to find nothing. I looked up to see Lin finishing the beautiful pancakes. I closed my laptop. He came to me with a plate of 3 pancakes, syrup and separately brought my juice. "This looks amazing, thanks!" I smiled as I dug into my pancakes. Lin sat next me. I felt obligated to eat slower like him. That meant I finished after what felt like hours of eating.

I cleaned my plate off and put it away. I felt embarrassed to see Lin just put his in the dishwasher. Chelsy didn't have a dishwasher so I was used to doing all the cleaning, if she even cooked a meal. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Lin looked at me, expecting me to say who it was. "It's Brooklyn, my new friend." I answered no ones question. "You made a friend already? How? When?" He asked. I hate when people ask multiple questions, there was nothing wrong with it, I'm just a bitter 11 year old. "I took Tobi out for a walk this morning and ran into her." I answered honestly

Did you ask them yet?

I will right away, just finished breakfast.

"Uh Lin? Is it ok if Brooklyn comes over?" I asked nervously. I get nervous asking about anything, since Chelsy wouldn't even let me shower without permission. "Yeah sure." He answered calmly. My shoulders relaxed, I get way to nervous when asking questions.

He said yes. Wanna meet at the dog park and I'll guide you there?

Yeah, sure :)

"I'll be right back!" I yelled as I went out the door. The streets were now almost empty, it's not the busy season for tourists I guess. I found myself at the dog park right away. Brooklyn sat at a bench. "Hey." I said as I came up behind her. She jumped a little, then smiled. She carried a little backpack with her. "So who's your new family?" She asked. "Uh, can you keep a secret?" I muttered. "Of course." She replied, anxious to hear the answer. "It's also a long stor-" "tell me!" She interrupted. I giggled. "Well, my father is Lin Manuel Miranda.." I started. Her faced turned into shock.

"So, Lin got my mother pregnant with me, then left since he didn't want to become a father, then my mother remarried. Then that's when everything good, stopped." I looked away from her. I felt good talking to another orphan, they understand. "My mother got cancer.." No reply. "When she passed, that left my dad depressed, but it gets worse, basically my entire family just drops like flys, either it was cancer or sometimes murder, they dropped, so it left just me.. I stayed in a foster home for maybe a year, then it all lead up to now." My words started to sound gross. I start to realize I was about to cry. I held back my tears.

Everything is great now.

It's okay, I'm going to be ungrounded soon, so I won't have to sneak my iPad so I can write. I'll be 'reading' now (aka, pretending to read while actually just reading Fanfiction on my iPad)

Btw, chapters are longer now, it helps a lot when I can put more info into each page.

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now