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I got on a thick sweater and started to out on my worn old shoes. "I don't think you should wear those.." Lin said. I looked at my old worn out uggs, I've had them for years, they have at least 5 holes. "Well, I don't have any other pairs.." I replied quietly. Lin, without a word, went and grabbed what I assume was Vanessa's rubber boots. "Try these on.". I put my foot inside the boot. It fit decent, a little small, but I don't complain. "They fit." I spoke and put the other on. "Well, we should get you your own shoes, maybe some new clothes as well." Lin suggested. I hated getting new clothes, it never really entertained me, that's why I don't have many 'girlfriends' who go to the mall everyday and never wear the same thing twice.

The sun shone throw the dark clouds. It was warm, maybe 8 degrees, I don't know. When it comes to weather with me, I love spring weather, y'know, it feels like a summer morning all the time, depending where you live. I noticed Lin was glancing around a lot, it took me a while but I knew why, he was trying to hide me. I bet news outlets would just love to be the first to put out that 'The creator of Hamilton' has been hiding his daughter for years. Just to help Lin out a bit, I slowly drifted away from him, just to make it look like I'm not with him. I don't know when he will tell people this 'huge news' but he has to do it soon, or else other news outlets will first and that will just lead to tons and tons of questions about me and if he's been hiding me for years. As I directed myself through the people, I made sure to glance at Lin every so often, making sure I won't loose him. I noticed I wasn't the only one looking at him, plenty of other people were as well, so at least I blend in.

Once Lin turned into a store, that's when I finally went next to him. It was a pretty, I don't know, normal store? I followed Lin as we went to the clothing isle. "Well, we should get you some warm weather clothes." Lin said. I decided to pick them out quickly, I'm really not picky when it comes to clothes, as long as I don't look like an idiot. I basically just looked at the size and that's what decided if I would get it. I really didn't need pants, I've got infinite amounts, mostly my moms old clothes, since I'm already her size. "Honestly, as long as you know your size, you don't have to try it on." Lin spoke. I let out a sigh of relief. We took the clothes to the checkout and just left as quickly as possible.

Once again, I stayed a distance from Lin, glancing over at him every 10 seconds or so. He lead me to a shoe store, I followed him in. Now shoes are what I like, I'm not crazy over them, I just like picking them out. "What size are your feet?" Lin asked. "Size 8." I replied quietly as my brain walked itself over to the converse. They all looked so pretty, but on just stood out, they were bright light blue, they looked perfect. A employee approached me with a smile. "What can I help you with today!" She said nicely. "Uh..." There was a long silence. "Do you have these in size 8?" I managed to say while holding up the bright blue converse. "I'll go check!" She smiled and went to the back. Why can't my brain be normal and just talk to people and not look psychotic.

She came back with a shoe box and handed it too me. "This is the last pair." She smiled and went to go help another person. Lin sat beside me as I tried on the shoe. It fit perfectly, and it looked beautiful. "This is the pair you want?" He asked. I nodded as I took it off. "Are you sure? There are plenty more, you can get two pairs-" I cut him off. "I just need one pair." I giggled. I wasn't used to be given the option of two, even with my mom, I usually got one pair of shoes, it was a pretty normal thing. We went and got my pair. We decided to walk home and drop this stuff off, then we would go out for a real walk, not just a walk to a store. When we got there I instantly changed into my new shoes. "They look nice!" Lin smiled. It went well with my clothes, it went well with anything! I love shoes, they bring out the little corner of happiness in me.

Woo, more writing from Maddie! Well, when I was writing the employee thing, I even got awkward chills when I was writing, I'm such a weirdo. Well, I love that my creativity has sparked, maybe.. I say that then I instantly lose it. Well, at least my chapters are getting longer, it went from 400 to 700-800 quickly.

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