Very little A/N

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So I might take a little break. I don't want to just leave this story unfinished, but I don't want to write crap. I don't know if you remember but my first A/N in this book I wrote that this was my day dreams and my reality mixed in, but since then, I can't day dream about it. I also got some big ol' projects coming up that I don't want to study for...

But, i do get a week off soon, so that means I could probably get some chapters out. Also I've seen my old supporters still supporting and I've seen some new! Very neat. Also while I'm writing this, (I left for like a day and came back to write this again) this has 545 views!! That's amazing! That's half of 1K. I know for most writers that seems small. But for me that's way to big of a number and I've been getting stressed.

If you read up until this point, good job! Now you have some basic knowledge

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