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"So tell me about your dream." Lin said. "Well as soon as I passed out, I just lived as if I were fine, I stayed at the party and we partied all night! But then we had to had to go home and," I continued talking about it for the whole drive and in the hotel until i finally reached the end. "And then I just went back with you to New York and then I finally woke up." I finished. I didn't realize how long I had been talking for. "Wow." Lin replied to the whole thing.

I realized I should really have a shower and such. "I'm just going to wash up." I spoke as I headed for the washroom. I turned on the water until it was right. I had brought my wet brush so it's easier to brush out. I had curly hair, unlike Lin. It was the same colour though, beautiful brown.

I finished quickly. I got dressed since my suitcase was already in here. I just got into comfy clothes, not pyjamas since it wasn't really time to go to bed yet. I brushed my hair until it was straight and easy to brush through. I closed my suitcase, being careful of my parents photos. I walked out to see Lin on his phone. He didn't notice me get out at first. I just walked near the window and sat on the edge. I sky was dark and the stars were beautiful. I saw the Big Dipper right in front of the hotel. I stared. I got off the ledge so I could get a better view

I heard the sound of a camera behind me. I looked back to see Lin taking a photo of me. "Hey!" I laughed. "It was a nice photo." He laughed with me. "Let me see it." I replied as I walked over. He showed me, the light of the city was shining on me, so you could only see my silhouette. It did look pretty.

It was only 6:00 pm but I was feeling quite tired. "Do you want to go out to eat?" Lin asked. "Actually, that would be great!" I replied. "Do you know anywhere good?" He asked. "Boston Pizza's pretty good." I replied, taking a glance at the window. "Great! Do you think you could direct me there? I don't know the place really good." Lin asked. He looking at the window to see if I was looking at anything, I wasn't. "Yep! I know this place top to bottom." I replied proudly.

I wanted to get in something fancier than sweatpants and a T-shirt. I got into a long, black, long sleeve shirt and green jeans. I also wore my Aunt Muriel's necklace. She said, right before I left the hospital, where she died, to wear it only when I've finally found something that would give me infinite happiness. I think now is a appropriate time. I walked out and Lin just store at my necklace. "I gave that to her, 1998, grad party." He muttered under his breath. He tried to act like I didn't hear it, but I heard it loud and clear. "She loved this necklace." I replied, not looking directly at him.

He smiled

You better be proud of me... Two chapters on a weekday, and I had basketball...

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