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She directed me there. She smiled once we got there and hopped out and skipped all the way to the door and waited for me. I couldn't help but smile with her. The place was busy, but I didn't mind. We sat down and ordered our drinks. Since it was getting quiet, I decided to talk. "Well Maddie, it's your last day, are you ready to leave?" I asked. Why did I ask that? "Yes." She replied quickly and surely. I loved the fact that she was willing to come with me. Our drinks came shortly after.

I heard her phone buzz. She took it out. I was scared that she would stay on it, but she put it back and looked outside. She started to giggle so I looked out as well. I saw her friends outside, laughing. I laughed with her. I can't believe the friendship she had with these kids.

We ordered our food. She ordered a Caesar salad, my favourite. I ordered that as well. Maddie seemed to have dosed off. She messed around with her necklace. I couldn't believe that Muriel kept that. I remember I wrote a who movie that we rehearsed just so I could kiss her in a scene. (That's actually true, yes Lin wrote a movie and rehearsed it, just for that). I tried not to laugh at that thought. I wonder if Maddie knows a lot about me, or if she just knows Hamilton. To test it, I hummed a tune to In The Heights. To my surprise, she hummed the tune with me. She even continued after I stopped. She smiled and finished.

I wonder if she knew anything else. It's hard being famous and actually being able to talk about stuff to someone who might know everything. She laughed randomly, I'm pretty sure it was too a thought, since she looked very embarrassed. I tried not to laugh, she was like me when it came to smiling and laughing at thoughts. I watched her study her necklace. That was a damn expensive necklace. I remember begging my dad for money so I could afford food, but Muriel just payed for it.

"You know, I can't wait to leave this place, I'm tired of everyone pitying me." She finally spoke. I laughed. She seemed proud to have made me laugh. I felt like our food was taking forever. "I still am really going to miss this place." She said as she looked around, studying other people's faces. "Honestly, I am going to as well. It's so easy to get around here." I replied. "It is pretty nice." She was still looking around. She examined the place. "It's changed a lot since I last came here." She finally looked at me. "When was the last time you came here?" I asked. "Uh, about 2 years." She answered. "Oh wow." I said.

Our food ended up coming, so this awkward silence could end. She was surprised to see two Caesar salads come to our table. She smiled. I smiled. We both smiled. Smiling is defiantly going to make this work

*inhale* sorry...
Yeah I've been busy, doing literally nothing. I know it's hard to go without updates, well you guys probably have lives but I don't so I know I go crazy for updates. I have a basket ball tournament tomorrow so probably no updates till later

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