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Lin's secret gave me a sense of adventure. His journal being the most interesting. My journal is getting full, I need another. Lin was now doing another song, I liked the other one better. I heard my phone go off. It was Brooklyn. I may seem like a bad friend, but I don't want to talk. I'm very much a introvert, Lin is the only person where I've actually sat out with him. I get a uneasy feeling when I'm with other people.

Lin finally came out of the room. "How are you?" He said. I was confused on why he asked this. "I'm... Fine." I answered slowly. I say I'm fine a lot more than I used too, I usually say I'm great, but lately, I've just been neutral. "What wrong?" He asked. "Nothing. I'm fine, neutral." I said once again. "Well, alright." He spoke, I could here that he wondered why I was just fine. "So I was thinking." He started. "That we could maybe go to something fun today." He finished. "Heh, sure." I replied, slightly interested in the conversation. "What are you thinking on doing?" I asked. "Well, we have a lot of time to kill, you don't have school, and I'm not working on anything currently, well I am a little bit." He spoke, he said the ending quietly.

He was talking about what ever he was playing on piano. "And?" I replied. "Well I thought we could go on a road trip!" He said excitedly. My eyes lit up, my entire life I wanted to go on a road trip, but my parents hated driving. "Yay!" I replied. Lin smiled, I smiled. Our mirrored smiles looked so perfect. We had a smile that could light up the room, that's one of my favourite compliments.

"Uh Lin?" I asked. "Hm?" He replied. "I was wondering, if you could teach me piano.." I said awkwardly. He did say that he wasn't working on anything, but he is working on what ever that was. I felt bad, as if I was supposed too know how to play. "Oh sure, for some weird reason I thought you could." He laughed a little. I smiled. "Would you like me to teach you a little bit now?" He asked. "Uh no, not right now." I replied. For some reason, I felt a sudden urge to eat. I went to the pantry and grabbed a granola bar. I was used to not choosing when to eat, so I sometimes starve myself until Vanessa calls us to dinner.

I sat on the couch on my laptop, a show was playing but I wasn't paying attention. I was writing a story online, since my handwriting still looked like chicken scratch. I saw in the corner of my eye, staring at me. I hadn't noticed my fingers, they moved fast, I was writing a paragraph in around a minute. It's only been a month of me knowing how write on a laptop without haven't to look at the keys. I was just writing about the feeling of the outdoor. I don't really write stories, mostly feeling. That sounds stupid now that I say it, but it's like... I'll just read it to you, why am I talking to no one? I have been doing this for so long now.

That last part is not just so I can read you what Maddies writing, I actually do that, it's messed up, I'll be in class thinking, "So, how was your day" in my head, and I'll answer "It's been fine." Yeah that's how lonely I am.

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now