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Well, since chapters are even longer, these have to be EVEN longer, woo?

I stared at the ruined cover of the book, feeling the creases. I glanced over at Lin, he was inspecting the tree, looking very closely at where the note was. I walked slowly towards him with the tattered notebook in my hands. He looked at me, staring at the journal. I simply handed it to him, without saying a word. He quickly saw the Muriel, 1998 in the corner. He looked back at me and then back at the journal. I opened it to a random page, it was near the end.

Lin sat down, I sat next to him. The grass was vibrant green, it looked beautiful. Lin looked like he was on the verge of tears. We both must miss Muriel, she was outgoing, adventurous and such a good listener. One of the must important things is that she gets me, unlike most people, but, she's gone now. She's gone and I can't change that. We sat at the edge of a hill, I tucked my head into my knees and just stared into darkness. I felt the wind move my hair behind me. I looked up and I saw a blurry building in the distance, I still need to tell Lin about my vision, I wouldn't dare tell Chelsy anything. I turned my head over and saw Lin smash the book closed. I honestly couldn't tell if he was angry or guilty, he was hard to read at this moment. He stared at me, I looked directly into his eyes.

"Where did you find this?" He asked quietly. He was hard to hear over the wind howling in my ears. I simply pointed to the bottom of the hill. "She did come here a lot.." Lin spoke under his breath. "I just wanted to say, thank you... For this walk, for everything" I sighed. "It's no problem.." He replied. "But that's the thing, I am a problem, no one can ever understand my emotions, neither can I. I'm just hard to please." I stared off at the hills. "Well, you're my daughter and I can't change that." He laughed. "We should head back home, the winds picking up quite a bit." I replied. "You're right." He smiled.

We went through the same actions as last time, staying a decent distance away from Lin, glancing at him every few seconds. Before I knew it, we were at the apartment. Lin insisted we took the elevator, but I took the stairs. It was a crap ton of a stairs, but I never try to workout anyways. Obviously Lin got there first, but I wasn't that slow. Tobillo jumped in excitement at the sight of us. I sat on the couch, resting my aching legs.

"Want to watch a movie?" Lin asked as he turned on Netflix. "Um, sure.". He handed me the remote. "Well, I haven't watched The Little Mermaid.." I said quietly. "What?!" Lin spoke in disbelief. "I haven't" I laughed. He took the remote and put it on. "I'll go microwave some popcorn!" Lin spoke as he got up. I paused the movie and waited for popcorn. We continued to watch the movie, Lin turned off the lights, I got a blanket. With Tobi in the middle of us, we had a Disney marathon.

In the middle of Aladdin, the door opened, it startled me at first. "What are you too doing?" Vanessa asked. "Maddie hasn't watched any of the original Disney movies!" Lin yelled, still in disbelief. Vanessa giggled and sat with us. "I should start cooking.." Vanessa said. "We can order pizza." Lin spoke, eyes not leaving the tv. "Alright with me." I replied. Vanessa just shrugged and we continued watching the movie.

It was 7:00 when Lin finally ordered the pizza. I couldn't believe this is what I missed in my childhood, my family wasn't really a Disney family. I never really wanted to go to Disney land or places like that. But now the tables have turned. Tobi was laying on my lap, so I couldn't get up to join Vanessa and Lin at the table. I sat in the darkness of the living room, the light of the tv shining light on me. I really didn't want to move, this couch is comfy. I adjusted my position and laid down. Tobi weighed down my stomach, so breathing became difficult. My eyes shut, the cool breeze of the ceiling fan hit my face. I began to only hear faints sounds of Lin and Vanessa talking, but that disappeared.

My eyes slowly opened, it took me a bit to realize where I was. I rubbed my eyes, my mouth felt dry, and I felt as if I was on fire. I got up and walked towards the kitchen. I saw the time, it was 2:14 am. I slowly ate a piece of pizza, since I just woke up, it tasted odd. I put the half eaten slice of pizza on the counter and went to my room. I fell back on my bed, surrounded by blankets. I glanced out the window, just some cars. One thing about New York, is that there's always going to be cars driving, that's hard for me to get used to.

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now